Ms Laffoy leaving ???

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I also collect and I must go and see a Doctor because I see kids coming out of the school regularly without their jumper. Imagination!!!! Anyway I thought the idea of an uniform is respect. I for one would not be happy to send my children to a school that has no code of dress and everyone may remove pieces of clothing when they feel like it.
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Davemac should't we leave out sarcasm and mockery from our post??
My kid and his class mates aren't allowed to take off their jumpers. Are you calling me a liar now? A liar with low standards?

Anyway, to all the other civilised people that took their time to reply my post, I can see there is a community of Ms Laffoy's supporters here and I'm honestly glad about this. But many parents out there aren't happy, and I, as one of them, am glad to see the chance for some change. It is indeed impossible to make everyone happy. Maybe this time it is our turn? ;-)

Somebody asked me to give more details about why I think debate is not encouraged, I'm sorry I couldn't do that without giving out too many details....
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Bebo, I applaud your restraint. you have expressed you opinions (which we are all entitled to.) with dignity and impartiality, davemac on the other hand comes across as an "auld bat" its all about her...
I also have a child in the school and she has not been allowed to take off her jumper when it was hot, the sports program is terrible and the school under Ms Laffoy has a reputation of not being willing to share resourses or help the community when asked.
This is my opinion.
what do have to say about that davemac?
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I feel very uncomfortable at this forum being used to criticize one individual.Is this not against the guidelines set by the moderators? Have one child in the school,so sorry to see Ms Laffoy go + wish her all the best .She'll be a hard act to follow!
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Wolf J Flywheel
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fred wrote:I feel very uncomfortable at this forum being used to criticize one individual.Is this not against the guidelines set by the moderators? Have one child in the school,so sorry to see Ms Laffoy go + wish her all the best .She'll be a hard act to follow!
In fairness Fred, the discussion is about Ms Laffoy's methodology and some people agree with it while others don't. I haven't read anything defamatory in any post yet.

My tuppence worth is that I have a daughter in the school and, by and large, I am happy enough. Having said that I do know one or two people who have had issues with certain aspects of school policy and are not happy. I know you can't please everyone but I think that as long as the conversation remains civil, people should be allowed to express their opinion.
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+1 Wolf
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I am keeping a close eye on this one and agree with Wolf. I don't see anything defamatory. In fact, it's a well balanced discussion. Let' just keep it that way and keep it civil.

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I agree with Beba she/he I think she should apply for the post of Principal, after all she knows what she want for DCC, when she is appointed she will have no problem with the Principal she willl always agree with herself. All of the lunches will be handed out on time. In fact she will appoint one of the teachers to complete this task. All the kids can remove their jumpers or any clothing anytime they like in a co-ed class. That will be interesting. In the real world Beba yes you are right a tiny minority are constantly being negative about DCC. This will not change because of the change in management. If Beba gets her way I for one will remove my children and other parents will do the same. We have an excellent school in DCC built by Ms. Laffoy and her teachers please dont let the negative people destroy what has being created.
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A little OTT there DaveMac.
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davemac wrote:Anyway I thought the idea of an uniform is respect. I for one would not be happy to send my children to a school that has no code of dress and everyone may remove pieces of clothing when they feel like it.
That's just silly. You're not doing the woman any favours with your posts.
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Davemac, you do not deserve an answer.
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I would have some reservations about school policies (showers that the children are not allowed to use after PE!!) but overall I think we have a very good school. For those who are worried about the new head it would be good to remember that:

1. the job will be advertised nationally
2. CDVEC chose very well first time round and hopefully will find as good a candidate this time

I would like to see a little more communcation from the school to parents (i.e., recent changes to transition year, etc) and a more open attitude to community groups/other schools.

I wish Ms. Lafoy well in her future career and fingers crossed we get a great replacement.
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John Spark wrote: The day the school turns into an ET school is the day I will take my daughter out of it!! The rules are clearly advertised before anyone sends their child there.
...because parents send their children to Educate Together on the understanding that it'll be 8 years of non-stop, lawless, feral fun?
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Sadly, the tone in these threads always get a bit b*tchy. It's an emotive topic. I was considering putting my name forward for the job. My focus would be to bring in things like break dancing, debating and musical theory using abelton live and a 909 drum machine. For sports, I will focus on GAA, Rugby, Soccer, Hockey and karate.

I only accept the highest academic standards. I want someone in the young scientist every year.
I want coder dojo run at the weekends.

For spiritual development, I will ban all religions unless they can prove they are wrong and are just in it for the money in which case they are allowed to teach their business plan.

For discipline, I will insist on "timeout". And if a pupil consistently disrupts it will be up to them to entertain us all and if they don't we will throw fruit at them.

I am interested in your feedback before I send in my application. And if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

On the subject of education, there is an excellent website which has tonnes of online courses from the best lecturers in the world. I would *strongly* advice anyone to have a go at one of these while they are still free. I will not take any feedback from any parent unless they have completed three of these courses.
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Quello Serio wrote:
John Spark wrote: The day the school turns into an ET school is the day I will take my daughter out of it!! The rules are clearly advertised before anyone sends their child there.
...because parents send their children to Educate Together on the understanding that it'll be 8 years of non-stop, lawless, feral fun?
No, because the ET method isn't the way I'd personally like my children educated, and as I have the option to not send my kids to a school whose methods I disagree with - just like everyone who doesn't like the way the DCC was/is being run also has that choice.

Do you think it would be better for me to leave my kids in an ET type school, knowing the rules/culture of the school, and then continuously complain about said rules?
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John Spark, where do you stand on discos?
John Spark
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Mr. Stupid wrote:John Spark, where do you stand on discos?
Usually by myself :(

Oh sorry, you said on discos ;)

Not sure I understand what you're asking me.
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John Spark wrote:
Mr. Stupid wrote:John Spark, where do you stand on discos?
Usually by myself :(

Oh sorry, you said on discos ;)

Not sure I understand what you're asking me.
You are have having a dance off with Beba. You can pick one song each. What's yours?
John Spark
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Mr. Stupid wrote:You are have having a dance off with Beba. You can pick one song each. What's yours?
Cotton Eye Joe - nice and lively :D
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John Spark wrote:
Mr. Stupid wrote:You are have having a dance off with Beba. You can pick one song each. What's yours?
Cotton Eye Joe - nice and lively :D
Oh good jaysus. People are going to do a lot more than take their jumper off. Beba what's your song for the dance off?
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some of the points people make are so picky. For example, a poster complaining that the kids don't get to shower after PE. I remember being a teen years ago, and we survived fine without showering. I can only imagine the amount of the schoolday that would be wasted if kids showered and the amount of absolute messing that would go on. You could lose a good hour between kids waiting to shower, dressing and drying hair etc. It would an absolute waste of valuable teaching time. I prefer kids going to school to learn rather than wasting time showering.
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You had me at Cotton Eyed Joe .................. unless Beba's got something better ......... in which case I'll flip back again to Team Beba 8-)

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Sydney wrote:You had me at Cotton Eyed Joe .................. unless Beba's got something better ......... in which case I'll flip back again to Team Beba 8-)

how about doing schools out for summer ? 8-)
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paddi22 wrote:some of the points people make are so picky. For example, a poster complaining that the kids don't get to shower after PE. I remember being a teen years ago, and we survived fine without showering. I can only imagine the amount of the schoolday that would be wasted if kids showered and the amount of absolute messing that would go on. You could lose a good hour between kids waiting to shower, dressing and drying hair etc. It would an absolute waste of valuable teaching time. I prefer kids going to school to learn rather than wasting time showering.
Is your house the smelly one that makes the dog bark by any chance?
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When I was young we were happy with a lump of coal for Christmas. Jumpers for goal posts and a clip round the ear. Aaarrgh.