New Layout at roundabout

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane

has anyone experienced the new layout on the roundabout coming into Donabate from Swords?

Approaching the roundabout now is marked into 3 distinct lanes.
The left 2 are marked straight on (ie: R132, only for Skerries/Rush etc)
The innermost, right hand lane, is marked turn right, R126 (ie: Hearse Road)
Problem is, that lane continues around the roundabout and leads you to turn right either onto the M1 southbound exit, or back around to Swords.

It's very dangerous now when people stay in that lane coming around and then veer into the left lane (ie: the correct one for the Hearse Road).

Any thoughts?
Mr. Stupid
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You are supposed to be in the right hand lane when going

1. Straight thru a roundabout
2. Taking the right turn

Given that there are two lanes on the road when you head North to Lusk (or to Turvey) it makes sense that there are 2 lanes given to them and the right one to Donabate.

i agree and this is safe to do so on 99% of roundabouts.

however the 'norm' on this roundabout has always been to take the 'middle' lane.
the reason for this is because there is about a 5 metre window where you can safely move over to the left lane to take the hearse road exit. and more often than not there are a line of cars in the left lane to take the hearse road exit.
up to now, it seems that 99% of cars have been taking the middle lane, because it's not easy or safe to take the right lane due to having to move into the left lane before taking the exit.

kinda hard to explain without a diagram!

so, since the new layout at the weekend and the new road markings, I have been taking the right lane, only to find myself having to negotiate into the left hand lane before taking the exit, to more often than not a greeting of beeping horns and flailing arms!

in its current form I don't believe it is safe.
maybe they will change it again when the final part of road on the roundabout is relaid
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There never was a middle lane before the roundabout.

But you are right it is not safe. Any roundabout that has more than 2 lanes never is because people don't know what to do. And you are also right that you have to look over your shoulder now when turning off which shows complete roundabout failure as you are supposed to always have right of way on a roundabout.

The swords roundabout at the pavilion was a complete death trap until the M1 was open.

Imagine spending all that money and making something more dangerous. Only in Ireland.
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Never mind roundabouts with more than two lanes not being safe, roundabouts with more than one lane aren't safe!!!! Since moving to this country five years ago I have lost count of the number of times I have been sitting in the right hand lane at a roundabout intending to go straight on only to find the car on my left is turning right. Normally, as with this morning, no indicators are involved, the lights changed and as I pulled off the stupid woman just cut straight across me and just kept going, had I not stopped she would have just ploughed into me. And while I'm on a rant, whats the point of adding a third lane on the motorways when it appears most drivers have no idea of how to drive on a two lane motorway never mind three!!
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There are clear markings as to what the lanes are for when you exit the first roundabout heading north, but there are no markings closer to the Hearse Road roundabout. Hopefully if they put markings there it should make it clearer.

I can see the logic of what they've done. It's to avoid the traffic heading for Hearse Road backing up at the lights and stopping traffic using the outside lane to continue north.

It certainly is causing confusion at the moment.

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Vlad the Impaler
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Agreed, very confusing. If you follow the road markings it means you have to cut back across to position for Donabate and there's invariably someone already inside.
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I totally agree, I followed the inside lane coming from Swords and then realised I should have been in the other lane heading to Donabate and it was quite dangerous trying to get into the middle lane. It is very confusing and I'd say it wont be long before there is an accident there.
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Well, until they get their act together I'll be taking the middle lane across the fly-over.
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It will interesting to see how they determine who is in the wrong if someone turns towards Hearse Road in the middle lane and get hit by someone moving across from the correct late particularly when the road isn't correctly marked at the roundabout.

Given time Gerry McGuire will sort it out.

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Ken wrote:It will interesting to see how they determine who is in the wrong if someone turns towards Hearse Road in the middle lane and get hit by someone moving across from the correct late particularly when the road isn't correctly marked at the roundabout.

Given time Gerry McGuire will sort it out.
I've already had an angry exchange with a woman who was in the middle name and nearly took the nose of my car when she cut sharp right in front of me. I got out and pointed out what she had done wrong. The centre of those three lanes she was in is clearly marked straight ahead, it is NOT for turning right. The lane markings are wrong for traffic turning right because the right of the three lanes filters into the lane back to Swords / M1 and not the Hearse Rd.

The previous arrangement was highly unsatisfactory, the current one is at best plain confusing, and at worst downright dangerous. Fingal as usual get it wrong when they had a glorious opportunity to get it right.
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i agree i can see accidents happening the lane markings need to be improved the whole project is a big let down after so much time and disruption even the new slip from the hearse to the m 1 is not a proper one it seems to be done to aid cyclists and before someone starts im not anti cyclists i cycle my self :?
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They whole thing does seem like mutton dressed as lamb. Has it actually improved anything?
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diggerbarnes wrote:They whole thing does seem like mutton dressed as lamb. Has it actually improved anything?
At this stage, the answer is no.

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Getting on easier. Getting off - extremely dangerous. Be careful. Maybe tell any friend visiting the bate to watch out. We all know over the summer the number day trippers and blow ins increases. They aren't going to be used to that roundabout and are going to be all over the place.
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I've seen it everyday this week and this morning... People are incorrectly using the middle lane and turning right into Donabate... This is dangerous as it blocks the free flow of traffic heading the lusk direction (and Donabate people who go down turvey)

If these people were not there the cars in the right lane could merge over to the left when safe to do so at the roundabout because there would be no traffic from that middle lane. Hard to explain without a diagram but simple solution is more straight arrows on the middle lane so people know they should not be turning right...

And for people from Donabate using the middle lane and turning right... you're in the wrong... the lane is clearly marked albeit probably not at the point it need to be

claned wrote: And for people from Donabate using the middle lane and turning right... you're in the wrong... the lane is clearly marked albeit probably not at the point it need to be
you're absolutely 100% correct in what you're saying here.
problem I see though is that because the 'norm' for the last few years has been to use the middle lane, it's not going to change.
it would work perfectly on a roundabout with no traffic lights, but because of the traffic lights, even if people didn't use the middle lane, chances are there will often be cars in the left hand lane, making it difficult to merge.

i believe peoples habits wont change, resulting in people using the middle lane for months and months to come, if not indefinately.

there needs to be a new safe solution implemented to take into account that this is a traffic light roundabout.

it's currently not safe and despite what the rules of the road actually say, its unlikely peoples habits will change, making it a danger.

i myself am now taking the Turvey road into Donabate 100% of the time due to the fact that I've already seen 2 very near collisions since Monday. that's too high a ratio for me to feel safe with my kids in the car.
might seem a bit dramatic, but until the road is made safe, i choose not to use it

EDIT: I should add, many cars take the left hand lane to turn onto the exit for the M1, meaning that if you are in the right hand lane (correctly), trying to merge left into Donabate becomes lethal when the car to the left of you is aiming for the M1
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To me, the safest and most logical layout should be the lanes from the left as follows-

1. To Lusk/Balbriggan
2. To Donabate
3. M1 or back to Swords
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I thought of that but would it not leave too much traffic trying to go North on one lane?
I fancy the idea of installing a physical barrier like a kerb or bollard around the right hand lane to make it impossible to turn right if you are in the middle lane. And 'get in lane' signage painted on the road.

Who do we moan to about it btw?
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diggerbarnes wrote:..Who do we moan to about it btw? would probably put you onto the right department.
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claned wrote:I've seen it everyday this week and this morning... People are incorrectly using the middle lane and turning right into Donabate... This is dangerous as it blocks the free flow of traffic heading the lusk direction (and Donabate people who go down turvey)

If these people were not there the cars in the right lane could merge over to the left when safe to do so at the roundabout because there would be no traffic from that middle lane. Hard to explain without a diagram but simple solution is more straight arrows on the middle lane so people know they should not be turning right...
I completely agree with you that people are in the wrong, but in fairness the new road markings of the middle lane are lined to lead into the lane into Donabate when they shouldn't. So while the right lane indicates to go down the hearse road, the middle lane should not be lined as it is now.

So as is, anyone who correctly tries to merge in from the right lane are being blocked 50% of the time by those in the middle and you can end up blocking the roundabout until someone lets you in. As such, it's 'easier' to use the middle lane to go down the hearse road.

It doesn't look like the road lining has been finished past the lusk/balbriggan road and this would all be fixed if the middle lane was lined correctly as well as the lane leading down the hearse road.
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The right lane is clearly marked for turning right, it should also be marked for M1 and Swords.
The left and middle lanes are marked for straight ahead.
The rules of the road clearly state that you must obey road marking on roundabouts. ... bouts.html

If there is an accident Gardai and insurance company will look at markings on the roundabout.

I think the left lane should be straight ahead, middle lane Donabate, Portrane and straight ahead, right lane M1 and Swords.
But it doesn't really what markings are on the roundabout some people will still not obey them.
I will be driving straight ahead in the left lane and using Turvey.
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garda there this evening directing gombeens in middle lane up the way they should be going.
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Saw that. The fact that he needed to be there shows that it won't work.

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looks like the "bypass " through the roundabout is about to open let the fun begin . :D
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