Donabate Community College

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How is the school performing? I haven't heard a lot about it.
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oh ....I think the saying is... if you can't say something nice..then say nothing at all ... all is rosy in the garden don't rock the boat .silence is golden I'm sure theres few more I have forgotton :O)
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There hasn't been a leaving cert yet - that won't happen until next year. It would appear that the results of that will determine the success of the school. A pretty narrow scope.

I can tell you that the amount of pressure being applied to the Junior Cert year (a programme so important it won't exist in a couple of years) is shocking.

I have two kids in the school - both doing well. I dread to think what it must be like for kids who struggle academically. If I had it to do over, I'd choose differently.

Thanks Aster. I know too much pressure isn't great for anyone, but academic achievement is important and I'm not sure if the norm isn't too little academic pressure in Irish schools.

I thought they did a leaving last year. Guess I'm mistaken. Thanks again.
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Aster wrote:There hasn't been a leaving cert yet - that won't happen until next year. It would appear that the results of that will determine the success of the school. A pretty narrow scope.

I can tell you that the amount of pressure being applied to the Junior Cert year (a programme so important it won't exist in a couple of years) is shocking.

I have two kids in the school - both doing well. I dread to think what it must be like for kids who struggle academically. If I had it to do over, I'd choose differently.
I'm sure they'll calm down on junior cert also. It's only natural that they want to perform well during their first few years. Not to mention most of the teachers aren't on full time contracts so are breaking their asses to prove themselves. As soon as they're permanent there might be a more relaxed atmosphere!
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Academic achievement is important to a degree, however, what would our society be like if all we had were academics? Who would organise and carry out the practical tasks required in our communities?

What is so wrong with raising a decent, contributing citizen? A bin collector? A hairdresser? A lorry driver or mechanic? An artisan or crafter? A butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker... anyway, I'm sure you get the point.

My original point, however, was meant to convey that I feel I've made a mistake by placing my kids in an untested school where not only do they have all of the issues of adolescence and secondary school, they also have the added pressure of being the litmus test for the performance of a young and insecure (unsecured?) teaching staff.

If I had a child going to secondary in a few years' time, I'd feel differently again, no doubt.
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I have a child in Junior Cert year there and I have no issues with the school at all. There is SOME pressure but not a huge amount. The teachers have been great at putting on extra classes after school for those who want to finish projects or get a bit of extra study in. My second of three children will be starting there in September and I have no worries at all about sending him.
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Here we go again, <mod snip - criticising the poster> I for one am delighting that my son is getting loads of help for his Junior Cert and my daughter is very happy in 5th year. As for the negative people go and get a life and give the rest of us a break.
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I've edited one post and deleted two others. Criticise the post, not the poster.

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“How is the school performing? I haven't heard a lot about it.”
I have found that every time the local VEC is mentioned here on this forum and anywhere else online there is a huge effort put in by people or maybe the one person to discourage anything that may be less then positive. We are the school we are the parents of the school goer’s we are more than entitled to ask questions and have an input to what is our school.
How do we want to measure performance ? on academics only or on the whole person that’s been educated. I have put children through 2nd level and 3rd level in others school’s I have had choice I have had a gauge to measure our new school. I was more than delighted to have a new school in the area. I had/have without hesitation put my child into it and wished now I hadn’t

I won’t go into my personal details or experience of our local school. I will though advise anyone who is thinking about sending their children and young adults to talk to people who are coming through the gates down there to look beyond the big new building.

Looking in to our school I can see SOME really good teachers young and well able to take a class but I just feel there is a lot lacking in every other department sports been the main one also school trips another big failing IMHO fun & laughter .I have watched these school children come through the village toing and froing from school it struck me that they were miserable looking heads down very quiet down trodden looking. There just seems to be no joy for them and yes I know people will say as they have before on here that school is for learning it is not supposed to be a happy place or a place for sports but I disagree there’s something very wrong in my opinion with OUR local school.

I would say common sense is missing and there are children been failed by not only the school but the whole education system that is in place the junior cert and leaving cert should not be a measure of our children there is a lot more to education then these two mile stones .

“What is so wrong with raising a decent, contributing citizen? A bin collector? A hairdresser? A lorry driver or mechanic? An artisan or crafter? A butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker... anyway, I'm sure you get the point.”
Absolutely nothing wrong Aster !

For those who are happy and having a good experience I’m delighted for you long may it last and goodluck to you and yours .
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Good thinking Ken
let's have a grown up debate disscussion keep it civil give food for thought to those who really want to talk about our school :D
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Vlad the Impaler
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Mammy, are you saying it might not be a great school because they work the students too hard?

Everyone seems to have their own idea about what makes a good school - so maybe posters should make that clear up front.

In my own mind, kids coming out of school looking for a job aren't asked did they have fun, or was there good sports activities - it's all about results.

If you're saying there should be more woodwork / craft courses then that's one thing and I've no problem with that, but an emphasis on knuckling down and working hard is something I think kids need in the world today as well - it's certainly what I'll be looking for in a school when Vlad and Vladine junior get older.
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btw, not having a go at you mammy - I'm just on the lookout for information about the school so if someone says it isn't great I want to know what that means. Obviously it means different things to different people.

im a firm believer in having a good mix of academic mixed with sport/other activities.

however a school really should be concentrating mainly on the academic side of things.

there are plenty of clubs/activities outside of school hours for kids to participate in.
we cant expect schools to parent our children as well as teach them.
it's up to parents to enroll children in after-school activities such as sports/dance/scouts/chess/whatever!

as for the kids having dour expressions on their faces coming home from school. really? have you spoken to them?

i remember going through a phase of coming home from school and being asked how school was, and replying in my best Keving and Perry tone and face....'boring'. Thats a teenage thing!

Many thanks for helpful posts.
I appreciate some of the perspectives here very much, food for thought indeed. It would be great to get the views of a couple of kids in 5th or 6th or better yet, a couple of graduates in a year's time.

There is always the strange mix of the particularly helpful and the particularly unhelpful who post on forums. For some reason few in the middle.
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“ I'll be looking for in a school when Vlad and Vladine junior get older.”
Well goodluck with that you may find because we now have our own school you will not get a place outside the area.

When I say I have concerns for the VEC I mean the total running of it I don’t feel you are getting at me.
I will try express my concerns so that nobody feels I am on a rant a grudge or wait for it a bully !
I entrusted my child into a brand new school you may remember it was in the community center for a few year’s .I did look to another school but with no success I feel my child and others who were in from the very start got less then they were promised .I have given it years now watching and waiting for things to improve no I don’t think working kids to their ability is wrong .My thoughts are that not every child is academic some have other wonderful talents that are just not been harvested for the good of the school and the child

I remember a career guidance teacher from the school telling my child “ oh I don’t have any info “ on what they were saying they wanted to do as a career the child felt they were sneering at their dream and really didn’t care to help when my other children had expressed an interest in career choices in their school they were encouraged and applauded for knowing what they wanted to do and each of them got where they wanted to be.. and beyond. Right so now you are thinking oh one bad teacher comment and the school is bad… No it’s not

I have spoken to people who think our school is fantastic their children are A students and have no problem in school but these kids will get an A where ever they go to school that’s who they are it’s the children who don’t get the A I feel are left behind not noticed not applauded I have also noticed that children who have difficulty with class structure and those that bend the rules even ever so slightly are suspended or told the road to Swords is still open ..right so now you think oh she has a problem with discipline again No I don’t I just think that suspension is handed out way to often and it used out of context and no my child has not been suspended well not since 1st year

The health and safety guidelines also seem to have a huge impact on our school again I have seen and heard how they are used and to be honest it baffles me. How high is too high to kick a ball in a yard how many children are allowed to stand in a group in the yard before they are told they have to break up, There is also an issue of hot food or even warm no access microwaves or such to heat food having to sit in class for 20 mins to eat a lunch that could be eaten in 5-8 mins and then out for fresh air and burn off some energy.. if needed
There is also a problem with contact as was mentioned before on these forums waiting for a call back can take weeks also what if your child is missing school and you think they are in school how would you know? My other children’s school had a text message and swipe in service if they didn’t swipe in I got a text to say so. Our school has no contact with parents so for anyone who may think their child is in school everyday think again how do you know!

Again I will say there’s just something not right for me there’s an .. air of fear, and as mentioned before it is more like a detention centre, for some, but if it suiting the majority then all is well I guess I feel I have failed my child by sending them down there but I can rectify that my self and will

Have I spoken to the dour children ? yes I have and they will tell you stories that will make you ask the same questions as I have …are we getting the best from our school where is the student council where is the parents council why does it feel like it’s closed shop and no I have never ever had to ask these questions of the other schools ( and no they were not educate together ) I used I never had a problem yes my other children came home tired hating school wanted to leave but it always sorted with a good talk around the kitchen table and back to school the next day and always made them feel welcome had a good mix of everything that made school a happy place.For some reason the mantra in our school is you are 16 now we do not have to keep you move on move out.

I have spoken to others who feel the same way too I am not alone. I have no agenda hidden or otherwise I just think it is good to talk and I was surprised to see nearly 200 peeks at this thread and no input from users before I posted the 1st reply

mammy all of that really sounds exactly like school when i was there 20 years ago.
most of us turned out fine!

we didnt have a swipe system back then, nor a text message system either.
we went to school and if we didnt show, had to bring in a note. is it any different now? should it be?

when you went to the school to speak to the principal about your concerns, what did she say?
is there any reason why you havent taken your child out and moved schools?
and yes there are places elsewhere
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Mammy, when my son was in Educate Together, There was a parent who complained and caused major trouble for the school for 2 years. She then took her son out and placed him in another Primary School. I am just wondering!!!
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I have no connection with the schools in the area, but my experience with my kid's school is that some parents will be happy and others won't. You can't please all of the people all of the time. That's life and schools are no different.

I think it's really important to make your concerns known to the school and discuss them. There is little point only airing them here as they will likely fall on deaf ears.


Ken wrote: There is little point only airing them here as they will likely fall on deaf ears.
Em, thanks site admin. I have found the concerns aired on this site very useful.
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AlanD wrote:Em, thanks site admin. I have found the concerns aired on this site very useful.
My point being that if you have a problem with a business or institution you should discuss it with them directly rather than just post it here. I'm glad that you find the forum useful. That's what it's here for.

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I've a child in DCC since day one, when it was attached to DAPSA in temporary buildings.

My child is not a an A student, works hard to get decent grades and doesn't find it easy.

We've found the principal and other members of staff more than approachable.

Our second child has also gone to DCC and is as happy as any teenager is to be going to school :D

I've acquaintances with children in other local schools, and I've no regrets that we took the decision to send ours to DCC.

Just my two cents worth.
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I've a child in the school and two more to still go in. I think the school is working well academically but academics isn't the only part of Secondary Education.

There is very little sport, and if they have a policy on it then it's a vehemently anti-sport one. For example, they have a very talented girls GAA squad in the school but this year despite being entered into two leagues and one blitz tournament, the team was pulled out at the last minute with no explanation.

The emphasis is skewed. They entered a volleyball comp and the girls - with very little training - won the North Dublins, got through the Dublins, the North Leinsters and into the Leinsters. Once they failed to get through that level, all training was stopped. I don't think that's the lesson that anyone wants the kids to learn, once you lose, you're out!

Before anyone asks, yes I've been into the school to chat (not to complain but just to chat). I'm involved in three local clubs and each one has offered to coach, to help, to organise etc but have been refused access.

It's such a pity because all the information coming from the Dept of Health is that sport particularly team sport is so important to teeenagers' health - particularly mental health.

i agree with you Sydney that sport is very important, but you said yourself that you are active in 3 clubs in the area. These clubs are outside school, so whats stopping students from joining these clubs and getting their sport outside school hours?

I went to, and played sport for a school that put as much emphasis on sport as it did on academics.
The result of this was that the school produced some fine sportspeople, many of whom are known nationally and internationally, but the downside was that the academics suffered.
I believe they have now changed all of that.
Because I played sport there, and loved it, I can understand how a student who is into sport would feel if there wasn't much emphasis on sport in the school.

These days though there are so many sports/activities available outside of school hours.
Our teachers get paid and are trained to teach academics and many volunteer on the sports side of things.
I see no problem with a school focusing on academics due to the fact that a student can engage in as much sport as he/she wishes outside of school hours, and still get that balance right.
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Very balanced post there mircropoodle. As far as I can see there is quite a lot of sports available in the school. There are also plenty of sports clubs in the area. My kids are not sporty and I think, sometimes, in schools where sports has a big emphasis, the un-sporty kids can be overlooked. I'm very happy with the school, none of my kids are geniuses but I do like them to be pushed academically to achieve the best they can.
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