Finishing of Roads

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Does anybody here know who in the council I need to get onto regarding getting the roads finished in our housing estate?

We need markings, children at play and speed limit signs and most importantly aggressive speed bumps. Fix My Street has now been stopped, so who do I contact?
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Not Rahillion by any chance? Petrocelli built his house quicker than the developer finished that estate.

Giving away my age with that reference.

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No, Beresford.

The majority of the estate has been finished and I believe the council have taken over the cutting of the grass etc. for the areas that have houses complete but the final layer or tarmac, road markings, signs and especially speed bumps need done for other parts.

They may just be waiting until the entire estate is completed (maybe end of next year) but a few people see the 30KMph speed limit as a sign you should not drop lower than that, and the racing line is taken at a lot of blind corners!

Very worrying when there are a lot of younger kids around with cars parked obscuring exit/entry from driveways.
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You probably need to speak with Hora, it would be normal not to put the final top layer of tarmac on with deliveries and the use of heavy vehicles. But they can definitely put down temporary markings and signage until the final layer is done.
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Strangely enough, the part of the road where the heavy loads are delivered across has been finished, it is after there that it has not.

My main concern is really for those drivers who seem to think that the estate is a race track to try and negotiate as quickly as possible, whether that is residents or delivery drivers, so we need speed bumps and ones that are more effective than currently in other parts of the estate, never mind those who seem to loose the understanding of what side of the road you need to drive on around blind corners.

I am going to contact Hora as well, I was giving them the Summer thinking that they may take that time to do the roads when the kids were off school and therefore hopefully it would not be as busy but that has well and truly past now.
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The section of the road that has the top layer (Main estate entrance up to the start of the Crescent) is the original Beresford development. The current phase from the Crescent up to the Golf club is a separate planning application, although still part of the Beresford estate.
HORA having finished the original development would have had to complete the section of roads on the original development.

Until the 2nd section is complete they won't need to put the top layer down just yet. But they should definitely have temporary signage and markings down, if there was an accident they could be liable. They seem like reasonable builders, so I'd imagine they would listen as it is a bit of a free for all on corners and junctions etc
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100% agree that it needs to be done. Cars parking on bends forcing vehicles onto the wrong side of the road, the racing line turns sums it up well but I fear no marking or speed bumps will fix terrible driving
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