Name & Shame

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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I walked Donabate beach earlier this morning this woman thought it was ok for her dog to drop a big poop on the walk way at the entrance of OUR beach.I took the photo asked her to lift the poo that her dog had just done she looked at me like I was mad and carried on walking I called out to her told her I was reporting her as it was an offence to leave it behind I also told her I would name and shame her .I do not know her but I hope someone here might and let her know I have named and shamed her and I will continue to do so everytime I see this happening locally.
Last edited by mammy on 16 Mar 2013, 23:55, edited 1 time in total.
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the photo didn't load :twisted:
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Did you try the Upload Attachment tab? It's in the options below the buttons for submitting your post.

Judging by the amount of dog crap around, those that pick it up after their dogs appear to be in the minority. I always try to clean up after our dog. You can by the little plastic bags in pet shops for very little. If you've changed nappies in the past, there's nothing to it :D

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This is one of my pet hates, if you parden the pun. I have a dog and I have always picked up after him and people like that give us responsible owners a bad name. There are a couple of dogs that live in a neighbouring estate to ours whose owners think its fine to let them wander into our estate to do their business. If I knew where they lived I might leave it on their doorstep! Maybe I'll follow them home the next time I see them...
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I think the file may have been to big ..I'll resize it and try again ..Thanks
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I deleted the file I would hate anyone to get into trouble or deep s&*t over my post Thank You for looking :lol:
Last edited by mammy on 17 Mar 2013, 09:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Vlad the Impaler
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Maybe we can start adding people driving while on their mobile and breaking the lights at the pedestrian crossing. Both pet hates of mine also.
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Vlad the Impaler
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Anyway, much as I like the idea of identifying culprits, I think there's legal and ethical issues with anonymously posting some one's photo. Unless you have the illegal act recorded or have another witness, it probably leaves you open to accusations of public slander so I'd be wary of leaving it on the site.
Mr. Stupid
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Well done Mammy!
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I agree with Vlad. While sometimes i would love to name and shame, You can't go putting photos of people online.

I have no reason to think this event didn't happen but it could be possible that you just dislike this person and are creating trouble for them.

Also, that photo isn't that clear so it leaves innocent people open to accusation (I thought I recognised the person at first but now don't think I do!)

By the way, I am a 30 year old male so I am definitely not trying to cover my tracks here!
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Although the person is probably guilty,It still leaves the question do we have the right to post a picture of them? Quite frankly I didn't sign up to this forum to become a member of the local Gestapo!
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Looks like a few people are getting worried they are going to be next.
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Don't be ridiculous! I don't even have a dog!

Seriously though, you can't just take photos of people and fire off accusations about them that can't be proved.
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would a D & A sample help my case :lol: I can get one as it is still there a bit squashed because some poor kid walked in it and I have a series of photo's your honour
Mr. Stupid
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atha cliath, go for a walk on the beech with your kid or your friends kid. Keep going until the innocent child gets poo on their shoe. Clean it off. Wash your hands and after your pleasant experience tell us if your feelings have changed. In fact wait until the kid shouts I want to go to the beech, I want to go to the beech. your second time you ll spend the walk looking out for the poo and notice how much their is. then watch as someone dogs just poos.
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Don't get me wrong. That behaviour is disgusting and leaves me furious. However, that scenario is completely unrelated to my post. What I have a problem with is taking photos of people and putting them on the Internet alongside an accusation that, while probably true as I've no reason to doubt mammy, is unprovable.

I that was acceptable then I could take a photo of someone on the street and say that this person was seen trying to burgle a house/abduct a child/rob a bank.

It's a dangerous precedent to set and I don't agree with it.

Just to reiterate though. I cannot stand irresponsible dog owners.
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I totally agree with the above statement.I can see where you are coming from. I was rightly or wrongly fighting fire with fire
Donabate Hatter
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There are websites where, and I'm not coming at this from a sexist angle, women take photo's of men who wolfwhistle at them and post them on the internet and seemingly do it without fear of prosecution etc, one of the women was on Tubridys radio show the other week.
Mr. Stupid
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why not just quick up a photo of the dog? What would you make of that!
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Holy God if I got a wolfwhistle I would stalk him and make him do it again :lol: and a again.

Thats it photo's of the dog only might work good thinking Mr Stupid :?:
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Yours Sincerely, JPX
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D&A= dog & action :lol: but yes you are right @ DNA don't know what I was thinking
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Some people think this is one big toilet not only dog walkers but horse owners too amazes me :O(
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Very good Mammy, you're getting the hang of attachments. There's no stopping you now!

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Joined: 08 Mar 2013, 23:11 have the right idea but you need to photograph the mutt in motion...with a scenic backdrop to identify the location...then record using ur mobile your request to the owner to pick up the dogs dinner.....and their response...then photograph them with the mutt.....then photo the turd in situ.....then photo their car number plate and ideally follow them home (recommend u keep ur distance)....then bag and freeze the turd (CSI tip)....then approach fingal co co with your evidence (after being sent packing by the boys in blue)....and when you have been processed by their 'customer' service department, at that point...i would publish the photo of the dog and invite anyone who knows the owner to let them know that it is not appreciated....keep the evidence for 7 years (and dont defrost the turd unless absolutely necessary !). :D
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