Online Petition To Remove Beverton/Ballisk Walkway Gate

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€11,000 back in 2009. Probably at least €30,000 now!!!!!
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The fact that a young teenage girl , who has signed this Petition , broke her ankle on her way home whilst trying to negotiate the Gate is good enough reason for me to remove it permanently on Health & Safety grounds.

She should not have been obstructed from trying to access her home safely and by the shortest route possible in the first place.

We have heard of numerous instances of young people injuring themselves whilst negotiating this illegal obstacle which go unreported.

This is a serious injury waiting to happen and by then it will be too late.
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Just want to say a big thank you to Councillor Duncan Smith in Swords who has shown a great interest in our campaign and is trying to assist us in any way he can.

He has tabled a Motion for Thursday's Fingal CoCo meeting and alludes to our Petition : ... =3#AI46685

Unfortunately we cannot say the same about our own local councillors who have sat on their hands on this issue over the years when approached. One of these councillors did a " grand tour " of Beverton Estate recently referring to the Petition but did nothing about it.

The Local Elections are in May and this won't be lost on most people.

In the meantime the current count on the Petition is 427 so those in favour please keep signing as we will be submitting the Petition to Fingal CoCo on Thursday 28th February 2019.
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It might be a good idea to lobby some of the councillors or prospective councillors from Rush/ Lusk as Donabate is now part of their local electorial area. With local elections approaching in May I'm sure a few of them would be glad of the possibility of gaining a few extra votes in Donabate!
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Hi all,

To date we have 520 petition signatories and would like to thank all those who have signed : ... tions_page

We would also like to thank Duncan Smith from Labour in Swords, and our local councillor, Paul Mulville, who have supported us in the Fingal County Council Chamber meetings. There are 520 signatories in favour of the gate's removal in contrast to the 11 who arranged for the gate to be put in place at the meeting, to the exclusion of Beverton Residents. The minority rules for the time being. However Fingal County Council have not ruled out our right to have the issue addressed again in the future:

'It is not considered appropriate to provide a written guarantee that the agreement cannot be revisited at any time in the future as this would stifle the democratic right of local residents and elected representatives.'

The only path to success is to get the support of both our local councillors and for Beverton residents to lobby these councillors and pressurise Fingal CoCo. The main contact in Fingal CoCo is Mick Carroll in the Operations Department. E-Mail : The only way to have this gate removed, or at least opened until 12.30pm, is for Beverton residents who support the Petition to be more vocal and let their view be heard.
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Just to reinforce that Fingal CoCo have not ruled out the agreement being revisited at any stage in the future . They are acknowledging the democratic right of the majority to challenge the agreement which has been imposed upon us by a minority.

The bottom line is that Beverton residents who have signed this Petition with the view to having the gate permanently removed or opened until 12.30 pm will require the full support of our two local coucillors. Paul Mulville has stepped up to the plate in this regard with his support of Duncan Smith’s motion in the Fingal CoCo Chamber meeting. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of Fianna Fáil and therein lies the problem. If anything Fianna Fail have tried to stifle any progress on this issue as you will see on the attached document.

I repeat again that Fingal CoCo defended our position in their answer to this motion.
It now lies with a certain political party to fully support us on this issue and for Beverton residents supporting the Petition to lobby the same party.
20191106 Councillor A Henchy - Ballisk Gate Access.pdf
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Bongo68 wrote: 07 Nov 2019, 20:54 Just to reinforce that Fingal CoCo have not ruled out the agreement being revisited at any stage in the future . They are acknowledging the democratic right of the majority to challenge the agreement which has been imposed upon us by a minority.

The bottom line is that Beverton residents who have signed this Petition with the view to having the gate permanently removed or opened until 12.30 pm will require the full support of our two local coucillors. Paul Mulville has stepped up to the plate in this regard with his support of Duncan Smith’s motion in the Fingal CoCo Chamber meeting. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of Fianna Fáil and therein lies the problem. If anything Fianna Fail have tried to stifle any progress on this issue as you will see on the attached document.

I repeat again that Fingal CoCo defended our position in their answer to this motion.
It now lies with a certain political party to fully support us on this issue and for Beverton residents supporting the Petition to lobby the same party.
i never realised that one of our councillors was in support of the outdated agreement that was made to appease a handful of people.

questions must be asked as to why he supports this and not the 2,000+ people living in Beverton/Beresford (i'm just guessing at that number by the way!)

has he given a reason? It's an odd thing to do to potentially alienate yourself from that number of voters so i presume there is a good reason
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I Hope that those who voted for him remember this at election time. It's a disgrace that the gate is locked at any time on the orders if a handful of people.
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Here is the webcast of Councillor Duncan Smith’s motion to have the gate opened until 12.30am at the very least.
It was supported and seconded by Paul Mulville. It starts at 9 : 40 and ends at 22 : 13 - ... ive/401467

Note the u-turn of Darragh Butler of Fianna Fáil who supposedly supported us back in 2009 at 15 : 39 - ... 96942.html

It is quite obvious we do not have the support of Fianna Fáil on this issue. End of. Even though they will show feigned interest in the Petition on the doorsteps.

Meanwhile the other “ solution “ referred to in the webcast which is the Beverton Estate / Gallery option and has all the legal planning attachments in place for at least 10 years + has never been implemented by Fingal CoCo yet the Ballisk gate was imposed on us in no time at all.
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Can't say I'm surprised. Can't believe these people are voted in again and again.
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The legal advice given to our Beverton Residents Group behind this Petition was that the only way to overturn the current agreement in the first instance is to lobby , lobby , lobby our two local councillors for change. We currently have one councilllor onside namely Paul Mulville. Please feel free to private message us should you be interested in joining our group with a view to pursuing a resolution of this issue.

In the meantime those in favour and affected by the gate in their day to day lives please keep signing our Petition. Please share on Facebook etc etc : ... e-donabate

To have 540 petition signatories is a unanimous endorsement of our argument and campaign to date. 11 for the gate - 540 against the gate. A big thank you to all those who have signed our Petition so far.
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We now have close to 600 signatures on our Petition to date : ... e-donabate

Many thanks to those who have signed the Petition in favour of freedom of movement for all in our village regardless of how long we have been living here or the time of day or night we are trying to make it to our homes safely. In modern Ireland to have gates segregating and dividing communities is medieval in thinking and is just unacceptable.

Paul Mulville supported us on this issue when he supported Duncan Smith's motion for change in Fingal CoCo's chamber meeting in February 2019. Unfortunately Adrian Henchy did not and therein lies the problem for people who have signed our Petition, We will never progress unless Adrian Henchy supports our side of the issue.

Our campaign now calls on our local councillor Adrian Henchy of Fianna Fail to explain publicly why he will not support the 587 people who have signed this Petition to date and the reasoning behind his support for the 11 people who imposed this gate on Beverton residents at the the original meeting back in 2005 :

At least then Adrian if your reasoning is acceptable we can draw a line on this issue and accept the status quo and all move on and happily live in a gated community.

Our account may be banned at some stage because of the strong political support for this gate at Fingal CoCo level etc etc but so be it. We think the truth needs to come out and we think its important that it does. People who support this Petition are not fools and voting fodder and are entitled to access their homes at any time of day or night like Ballisk residents do without this ridiculous gate in their way!
Mr. Stupid
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People only want gates and paths that benefit them.
  • Some Beverton people didn't want a gate and path with the Gallery
  • One part of Beverton didn't want a path across their green because it meant people from another part of Beverton would walk across it
  • Other parts tried to stop paths and walkways to / from Beresford
But yeah 600 or so want a path that will benefit them. Surprise, surprise.

I think there should be another campaign to rename Beverton to Hypocriton because it is very clear if there's a path / gate suggestion for Hypocriton you get one reaction if it benefits Hypocriton and another if it doesn't.

Anyone trying to navigate around Donabate at the moment will notice the increase in traffic. Well what can you expect when you make it difficult for people to walk. At least Ballisk open the gate during rush hour.
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I love Devitts comment of lets not bow to the will of the majority.. You're in a democracy love, you were voted into your position as part of a democratic process...
As for the decision was made in 2009 so lets leave...well then we'd have no amednments to laws whatsoever based on that logic. Looking forward ot her knocking on my door.

Mr Stupid, you're right about the hypocrisy but with regards to the Beresford walkways..wasn't that 2 person who blocked that as oposed to a whole estate? The path across the green, I can understand. If kids are playing football, chasing etc it's a bit of a hindrance. I believe a path was useful, but maybe along the edge of the green so as to not hinder childrens activities (prob giving some residents the benefit of the doubt here..)
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I am open to correction, but the Gallery opening was blocked by a petition. The path to connect two parts of Beverton was objected to by a number of residents (more than two) and it had nothing to do with Football as it was going through a bunch of trees.

Beresford, depends on the opening. I don't know about the first one but it was delayed for almost three years. The other Beresford opening at the top, there were a few planning objections to it.

So blatant hypocrisy as some of the people signing those petitions are the ones who don't want paths going by their own house. What do they think of themselves every time they walk thru the Ballisk gate? Is it really low IQ stuff and incapable of thinking or just blatant narcissism?

Close the Ballisk gate altogether and keep it locked until Beverton stop acting like hypocrites and provide paths and openings to other estates.
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The previous petitions referred to were generated by a very very small number of " precious " people who were in favour of complete lockdown of our estate and surrounding areas and to serve their own interests. NIMBYISM. End of.

As a Beverton resident i personally never saw or signed these petitions. Where is the record online for all to see and the suppport for same ??? As Beverton residents who set up this Petition online we believe in freedom of movement for all be they from Beresford or wherever. Hypocrisy i think not!

Unfortunately in Ireland as things stand it only takes one or two " precious " people to ruin it for everybody else.

Our Petiton is online for everybody to see. It is a permanent digital record that cannot be tampered with. A previous similar handwritten petition to ours mysteriously went missing in Fingal CoCo a few years back thus our decision to move the campaign online.

Its strange how Fingal CoCo acted on the petition " from the small precious few " for the non-opening of the Gallery option for example. This has had all the EU compliant legal planning attachments in place for at least 10 years + . Our campaign is working in the background via the Freedom of Information Act to find out why and their reason for inconsisitency.

We have also sent a copy of the Petition signatories to Fingal CoCo for their review / verification and to date they have found no problem or inconsistency with it. The numbers speak for themselves.

In the meantime keep signing the Petition which now stands at 613. To convince Fingal CoCo and our local Fianna Fail councillor who supports this gate and for any change to take place we have to exceed the 11 who agreed this gate on the night !!
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Mr. Stupid wrote: 15 Nov 2019, 13:27 I am open to correction, but the Gallery opening was blocked by a petition. The path to connect two parts of Beverton was objected to by a number of residents (more than two) and it had nothing to do with Football as it was going through a bunch of trees. (my point here was it might make more sense to build a path that goes around the edge of the green rather than bisecting it)..

Beresford, depends on the opening. I don't know about the first one but it was delayed for almost three years. The other Beresford opening at the top, there were a few planning objections to it. (Never agreed with the delay, I had heard it was 1 individual)

So blatant hypocrisy as some of the people signing those petitions are the ones who don't want paths going by their own house. What do they think of themselves every time they walk thru the Ballisk gate? Is it really low IQ stuff and incapable of thinking or just blatant narcissism?

Close the Ballisk gate altogether and keep it locked until Beverton stop acting like hypocrites and provide paths and openings to other estates.
Last edited by RPB81 on 18 Nov 2019, 13:03, edited 1 time in total.
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I'm not sure the hyperbole below helps your cause. Its a short cut to the village, that's all, nobody is being prevented access to their homes.

"Petition in favour of freedom of movement for all in our village regardless of how long we have been living here or the time of day or night we are trying to make it to our homes safely"

"are entitled to access their homes at any time of day or night like Ballisk residents do without this ridiculous gate in their way!"
John Spark
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Bongo68 wrote: 18 Nov 2019, 00:09 ... e-donabate

The previous petitions referred to were generated by a very very small number of " precious " people who were in favour of complete lockdown of our estate and surrounding areas and to serve their own interests. NIMBYISM. End of.

As a Beverton resident i personally never saw or signed these petitions. Where is the record online for all to see and the suppport for same ??? As Beverton residents who set up this Petition online we believe in freedom of movement for all be they from Beresford or wherever. Hypocrisy i think not!

Unfortunately in Ireland as things stand it only takes one or two " precious " people to ruin it for everybody else.

Our Petiton is online for everybody to see. It is a permanent digital record that cannot be tampered with. A previous similar handwritten petition to ours mysteriously went missing in Fingal CoCo a few years back thus our decision to move the campaign online.

Its strange how Fingal CoCo acted on the petition " from the small precious few " for the non-opening of the Gallery option for example. This has had all the EU compliant legal planning attachments in place for at least 10 years + . Our campaign is working in the background via the Freedom of Information Act to find out why and their reason for inconsisitency.

We have also sent a copy of the Petition signatories to Fingal CoCo for their review / verification and to date they have found no problem or inconsistency with it. The numbers speak for themselves.

In the meantime keep signing the Petition which now stands at 613. To convince Fingal CoCo and our local Fianna Fail councillor who supports this gate and for any change to take place we have to exceed the 11 who agreed this gate on the night !!
It’s exactly because of over the top, aggressive posts like this, using bullying language, that I hope the gate is either left as is or closed altogether... Nobody is being denied access to their homes, although the Ballisk residents do have their cul de sac opened up, which most people would be against...
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‘Nobody is denied access to their homes’ technically speaking, we are not, however we are denied the safest route home at night.

It should not be taken for granted how important it is to have the safest route home at night, regardless of where you’ve been, or what time of night it is... I am a young girl and unfortunately there are occasions when I simply have no choice but to walk home alone along the poorly lit, isolated Turvey Road. Judging by the names ‘Ted’ and ‘John’, I somehow don’t think you are as vulnerable walking home alone at night...

These concerns have been ignored for years, so to throw around words like ‘bullying’ flippantly is not only extreme, but ill informed. Beverton Residents are simply requesting the autonomy to move freely within the community, and not be subject to a curfew! It is not a big ask!

This gate is undermining the democratic rights of the Beverton Residents, end of story.

So when you throw around words like ‘bullying’ and ‘aggressive’, please be aware of the source of this anger - Beverton Residents are simply demanding equal privileges as others in the community, which they are currently being denied.

When you are directly affected, it’s a completely different story!

*I would also like to add that I am 100% in favour of opening any pathways to Beresford and/or other estates, because the above statements apply to all members of the community!
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Ah Beverton98, you seem to misinterpreting my post as "anti gate" I'm neither for nor against simply pointing out that hyperbolic statements in my view do no benefit your cause, to me "demanding equal privileges" and "requesting the autonomy to move freely within the community" would fall into this category. What equal privileges do you feel are being denied to you? Subject to a curfew, would suggest something entirely different to a shortcut to your home been closed during certain hours.

Beverton has an entrance to the estate like every other, if you feel that the main entrance or approach to it is inadequate or unsafe for pedestrians why not petition to have that improved? Not every estate has a pedestrian shortcut to the village, why not see that current access via the gateway as a bonus?

Again I'm not "anti gate" but I'm not sure there is a democratic right for people to demand that a once quiet cul de sac be opened up for late night convenience.
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It’s easy for people to label this as ‘hyperbolism’ when it’s not affecting their comings and goings on a regular basis.

Campaigning to have the conditions of the Turvey road improved is not a solution to the gate, particularly for Beverton Residents within proximity of the gate - that would merely be a distraction from the root cause of the problem.

We live in the suburbs of Dublin, everything is subject to change as evidenced by recent housing developments, etc. Why is this gate any different, especially when it negatively impacts the majority in this case?

If individuals are not willing to adjust to change, why settle in the suburbs of the most populated city in Ireland?

No animosity towards anyone intended in this post, just simply calling a spade a spade - there’s a big difference between hyperbolism and basic fairness.
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While the ballisk gate is undoubtedly a shorter walk to the village for parts of beverton, it is not clear cut that it is safer. The route is a lonely little laneway, poorly lit in places, with plenty of nooks and crannies along the way. My daughter goes via turvey avenue, as she is convinced that it is less 'creepy'. Everyone's entitled to their own view, but there are arguements both for and against it as being a safer route.
I am a Beverton resident and the ballisk route is very slightly quicker than turvey avenue for me, but i have looked at this with an open mind as the debate took place over the last few years. I agree with Ted that the overblown tone and pushy manner of some of those agitating for the gate to be done away with has been counterproductive.
The points raised by 'bevres' and 'Ruby1' on this thread (viewtopic.php?t=1402&start=25) would certainly concern me if i lived closer to the ballisk gate. Around the estate we can frequently see cans and bottles strewn around on weekend mornings, having been deposited by people on their way home the night before. If I lived at close to the gate, it's not something I'd look forward to seeing.
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Just to clarify our position on anti-social behaviour. We took the time to ring Swords Garda Station and Phoenix Park HQ for the number of actual call outs to the gate in recent years due to serious anti-social behaviour. To date we have not received these figures despite numerous requests. We can only conclude that such behaviour is pretty low key as goes on in any area of the country and does not warrant their immediate attention. Having lived near the gate as a Beverton resident for the last 15 years + i feel the claims of anti–social behaviour are grossly exaggerated and are the classic “ red herring “ used as a defence to keep the gate in place in the first place. I personally have never seen in 15 years + the presence of an Garda Siochana on patrol at the gate or serious anti-social behaviour for that matter. To have the gate open until 12.30am at the very least is not an unreasonable request in the circumstances not just for Beverton residents but for our fellow residents in Beresford and adjoining areas.
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I live in Beverton and have mixed views on the gate opening times.

The mention of anti-social behaviour has been well flagged, you could just as equally argue there is little problem of it in this area by the virtue of the fact that the gate does actually close early, so the gangs of youths that are currently running amok in other parts of the village just aren't bothered to come here as they know they will either be locked in/out quite early. As mentioned it is quite a walk the long way round , particularly if starting from the point of "the gate".

We are all aware that there is considerable ongoing development that will last for many years to come. We all know there is plenty of land and we seem to be a dumping ground for lots of dubious poor planning decisions. We don't know at this point how demographics will change, there are plenty of neighbourhoods throughout Dublin that have deteriorated quite quickly. Look at the long term plans for the peninsula , they will multiply the population without adequate services or infrastructure, history has repeatedly shown this leads to problems.

Residents need to think long-term here about our security, peace and quiet , along with the safety of our children and property. I wouldn't be in any hurry to remove the gate permanently , because once it's gone there will be no turning back, however I think leaving it open until 12.30 am is a sensible compromise, as by this point last bus/train is gone , most other people coming home after that will be by either taxi or car so shortcut won't make any difference anyway.
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