Biggest Kick in the teeth to the people of Donabate so far

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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An bord pleanala have finally given in to the developer who owns the site at the paddocks and told them they can build houses over the right of way that has existed for years.

this was the right of way that the developer closed off and promised several times that it would be reopened, pushing that date further and further out until eventually the true colours shone through.

its a bad day for donabate. schoolkids will no longer be able to walk safely to school that way any more.

im appalled that a nameless, faceless beaucratic quango gets to make decisions that affect so many people for the benefit of 1 person. id take a guess and presume that the decision maker(s) has never set foot in Donabate.

we are being walked all over here for the benefit of developers. its one thing building houses but another pi**ing off a whole community simply to get a few extra quid.

i feel multiple protests coming along when the building work starts
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Totally shocking!!! But just shows you money still talks.....
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Absolutely ridiculous.

The Council are toothless when it comes to Developers - multiple ones breaking conditions working outside of building hours etc and nothing done about it. Just left for people to be walked all over.

Materials left for months with seemingly no effort being made to remove them (sure they'll be back to cover the remaining green spaces in a year)
John Blowick
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It's your own fault that you let this should be bombarding your councillors and TD'S about how this happened and publish their written responses with a view to actively campaigning against them at the next elections ..get up off your butts and do something ..sounding off on an obscure discussion forum will achieve little !
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And the councillors do what exactly????
The roads are atrocious,there is still lorries coming into the village at all hours.. the list is endless so tell me what do these so called councillors do??? Oh let me guess got us hockey pitches!!!!
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Councillors and politicians in general are great at using the following phrases
I have worked hard on this issue
I have worked tirelessly
I have campaigned regularly for.....

Youll also notice some politicians are suddenly on social media lately telling us how amazing they are. I believe local elections are on the way which may explain that :)

They are good at blaming others but not seeing or acknowledging their own shortcomings. An Bord Pleanala cannot be solely blamed for this issue. It should have started with local politicians who should have made this a national issue. Strong politicians should sometimes just cut out the politics and the beaurocracy and just fight tooth and nail for whats right.

I have significantly more faith in local groups such as the community council and sppd in actually getting things done. Not only are they putting pressure on the council but also on the councillors. Everyone needs to be kept on their toes right?
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What’s Henchey doing about this apart from scoffing at the troff of our community clubs and societies each weekend in addition to posting updates about the serious questions he raises with Council all the time.

Ineffective, overfed and useless all of them.
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Links wrote: 15 Feb 2019, 16:52 What’s Henchey doing about this apart from scoffing at the troff of our community clubs and societies each weekend in addition to posting updates about the serious questions he raises with Council all the time.

Ineffective, overfed and useless all of them.
I'm not sure what local representatives could have done here. Their influence is with FCC. FCC rejected the PP and the builder appealed it to ABP. ABP then overturned the original FCC decision.

Donabate Hatter
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I agree Ken, still the next local elections should be interesting as I assume that the three posters calling out the current local representatives will all be standing for election!!!!!!
Martello Tower
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The 'biggest kick in the teeth for the people of Donabate' is not development or planning issues, although I agree they are not sustainable in a community that lacks resources from law to infrastructure. Sadly, I can personally report that THE biggest kick in the teeth as a local resident is NEGLIGENT PARENTS of the minority of teens conducting juvenile criminal activity. This minority of parents do not instill a moral compass in their young adults and INFLICT their offspring on the majority of decent parents and teens on the peninsula. Instead of repucessions for criminal behaviour, sadly their parents continue to reward them. Maybe if some parents were less of a 'keyboard warrior' and more focused on their no. 1 job, i.e. Parenting, the main issue facing the peninsula would be solved before further development is layered ontop of this rot.
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Those darn teenagers, removing a right of way......

I do actually agree with some of your post but the approach to development in the Donabate/Portrane area is appalling and unsustainable. The current housing "crisis" seems to lead people thinking that any development is better than no development.

There are already ques out of the village in the morning, I dont see the new road helping that much with this (indeed they will probably add more traffic lights to delay it further), the roads are filthy.
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Two lads beaten up last week in the town by a bunch of feral cowards (students at DPCC so homegrown talent).
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Donabate Hatter wrote: 16 Feb 2019, 10:09 I agree Ken, still the next local elections should be interesting as I assume that the three posters calling out the current local representatives will all be standing for election!!!!!!
seems to me like you're suggesting people shouldn't criticise politicians unless they are prepared to stand for election themselves.

thankfully we live in a democracy where we can and should criticise politicians at every level if we believe they aren't performing. you put yourself in that position then you should be able to take criticism where it is warranted.

im not standing for election because it's not in my nature, however i personally do as much as i can to help make the area i live in a great place to live. that doesn't mean i'm not allowed to voice my opinion on people who get paid public money to represent us.

i do have time for some of our politicians and welcome some of the work they do, but in areas I think they are failing, I will call them out on it. And I have a polite conversation about it to their faces as well when they call to the door. Some of them in fact I know personally, but still don't have a problem calling them out.

What I don't have time for are the people who support elected representatives on every issue simply because they are from a specific party or because they know them personally ;)
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I've no problem with people criticising local representatives when it's due. My point was purely in relation to this issue where the developer appealed the FCC decision to ABP.

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Ken wrote: 18 Feb 2019, 20:23 I've no problem with people criticising local representatives when it's due. My point was purely in relation to this issue where the developer appealed the FCC decision to ABP.
It might have helped if local councillors had actually made a submission on the planning appeal to ABP...
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Seamus wrote: 21 Feb 2019, 10:59
Ken wrote: 18 Feb 2019, 20:23 I've no problem with people criticising local representatives when it's due. My point was purely in relation to this issue where the developer appealed the FCC decision to ABP.
It might have helped if local councillors had actually made a submission on the planning appeal to ABP...
Did you? Or did anyone else make a submission? Why would councillors make a submission? Go down that road and then you will have complaints about politicians interfering in the planning process. It is up to the local community to make submissions but as in most things, it usually falls to the same people every single time.
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My understanding of an appeal to ABP is that they review the submission from the ground up so that would include all documentation previously submitted to FCC. If there is no new information to add, then there is no need to resubmit to ABP for inclusion.

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