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This one was flagged by Adrian Henchy in a recent circular. I've had a look at the plans online and can't make sense of them. Anyone any ideas?

http://planning.fingalcoco.ie/swiftlg/a ... ts%3C/a%3E

Important Planning application

I would like to bring to your attention a very significant planning application that is currently with Fingal County Council and I would encourage everyone to take a look at this application and if possible to make an observation. Submissions/Observations to this Planning application may be made on or before 05-Dec-2018.

The full planning application can be viewed at http://www.fingal.ie (Planning)
Please see synopsis of the planning application below.
Donabate Limited
Lands to the south of Main Street and Balcarrick Road (R126), Corballis East, Donabate,Co. Dublin.

The development will consist of strategic open spaces, upgrades to the public road, reconfiguration of the existing car park serving Smyths Bridge House (A Protected Structure), upgrade of existing entrance onto Main Street, new access from Balcarrick Road, internal access roads, water services and a pumping station, and utilities. These proposed works are to facilitate future residential development including reserved sites for new primary school and local neighbourhood centre at Corballis East, as provided for in the Donabate Local Area Plan 2016. Planning permission is sought for 10 years. It is proposed to provide a Nature Park of 13.63 ha. and 3 no additional parks of 1.4437 ha, 0.6788 ha, and 0.3856 ha. The proposed internal road infrastructure comprises a hierarchy of 2,320m of Linking Roads and 4,680 m of Local Access Roads. It is proposed to reconfigure the existing permitted car park serving Smyths Bridge House to accommodate pedestrian, cyclist and limited vehicular access to the site, and 46 no. replacement car parking spaces, and including the upgrade 140m of Main Street including the Balcarrick Road Junction. Proposed potable surface and foul water services and utilities, will be provided under the proposed roadways. Proposed works include SUDS wetland area in the Nature Park, and a wastewater pumping station set within a fenced compound of 320 sq.m. accessed off the Donabate Distributor Road (under construction). This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS).

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Just looking at this again, the map is showing a view from behind The Strand so is looking north towards the village.

The junction circled in red is a proposed new junction going through what is currently Smyth's car park and will join the existing main road opposite the entrance to the train station. It's hard to see how that is a suitable place for a junction given the bridge to the left and the bend at New Road to the right.

I realise that this will be after the distributor road is open so traffic through the village should be lighter, but it does appear to be creating a potentially dangerous junction which will be busy given the size of the development. The maze of roads at the bottom gives you an idea of how big this development will be.

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Only had a quick look, but this application looks very odd. Extensive road and utility services, without any details on what they'll be used for? How can you assess traffic management (for example) without knowing what the new road network will be expected to serve?!

I thought a fully-integrated plan (with houses, schools etc.) would be submitted, not an opaque one just for services. The area is obviously identified in the LAP for development, but this looks suspicious to me.
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I see a few objections to the scheme have been put in.
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It is simply extraordinary that not a single one of our elected representatives made an objection to this application which, given what is contained in the objections which were made, appears to be a completely flawed and environmentally damaging development.
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I see Paul Mulville and Adrian Henchy have now both submitted observations.

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The submissions of Councillors Henchy and Mulville were made very late at night, at the last minute just before the deadline, and in response to the submission made by Donabate Portrane Community Council. Astonishingly, Councillor Henchy submitted an observation supporting the developer despite what appears to be a shocking and rapacious attempt to despoil the natural environment of our beautiful peninsula.
Last edited by Seamus on 10 Dec 2018, 17:30, edited 3 times in total.
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Seamus wrote:The submissions of Councillors Henchy and Mulville were made very late at night, at the last minute just before the deadline, and in response to the submission made by Donabate Portrane Community Council. Astonishingly, Councillor Henchy submitted an observation supporting the developer despite what appears to be a shocking and rapacious attempt to despoil the natural environment of our beautiful peninsula.
In fairness to Adrian Henchy (with whom I've no connection with whatsoever), I think it's unfair to suggest he put in a submission in support the application. He does call out the need for a nature reserve, a school and also the need to have proper infrastruture in place before houses are added.

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In the paper today
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Very high density on a site with small provision for a school and retail needs. There's no mention of the heights either and they will be tall. I expect the burgeoise in Malahide to outrage over the occular intrusion this will create to their northern skyline.
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Would the first rejection be a good omen for rejection of this. As some of the issues are related to wildlife it seems difficult to how they could address them unless they ask the geese to move elsewhere
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