Online Petition To Remove Beverton/Ballisk Walkway Gate

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Hi all,
Was just researching the Beverton/Ballisk Walkway Gate and came across a thread on this forum... I feel it is a divisive issue in our community. This gate affects me directly as a Beverton resident, but also my family, friends etc. within the Beverton estate. I personally believe it is a violation of freedom; the only other alternative is to walk past Turvey and through the top of Beverton, which is not only a major hassle but not the safest route to take walking home at night, particularly as a female.
On a more serious note, I am aware of several undocumented injuries that have occurred whilst attempting to climb over this gate.I would like to invite anyone who shares similar views to sign this online petition I have set up, the link is as follows: ... e_petition

These are just my personal beliefs but I am interested in gaining a true reflection of people’s views on this gate.
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:D :D :D :D they where the terms get over it email amnesty international they might help your cause
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scrachie, The terms were agreed by 11 people and none were Beverton residents, seems to be a little biased in my opinion... this petition has 38 signatures as of yet, the figures speak for themselves
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No other two estates in Donabate are blocked by a locked gate. It makes no sense that a handful of residents in Ballisk (one of whom has access to both sides of the gate anyway) should restrict the movements of hundreds of Beverton residents. Anti-social behaviour will occur with the gate or without it, so there are no benefits to having it in place.
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I dont think Beresford and Beverton are joined up?
Quello Serio
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They are joined at the end of Beverton Close.
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Beresford is only a new estate and yet it already has access to the adjacent estate. The houses in Beverton adjoining Ballisk were built almost 15 years ago and they are still blocked by a locked gate in the evening and at night because of the complaints of a tiny handful of Ballisk residents.
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I used to believe that the gate should stay open also,
However with the amount of how should I put this diplomatically.... ferral/ wild youths both local and migrating up and down the unsupervised train line causing mayhem around the village along with us about to become a dumping ground for what appears to be Fingals highly questionable housing plans I am quite happy to keep it closed .
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Hi Dearg11 ,

I appreciate your reply and concerns.
However in my opinion and experience as a Beverton resident , the incidents of anti-social behaviour around the gate have been minimal.

Regardless , a gate in place will have no influence on anti-social behaviour and I believe the money spent yearly by Fingal CoCo on this gate could be utilised more sensibly ,e.g ,funds directed towards facilities for youths in the local area.

I consider this to be a more effective solution and a more hands on approach to deter anti-social behaviour.
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Hi Bevertonian ,
I also live in Beverton and as I said I initially wanted the gate to remain open , however just because there is currently less anti social behaviour than in the main village that is not necessarily going to stay that way , with the high number of apartments planned for behind Beresford plus whatever else they decide on the never ending additions popping up around the town, along with thousands of poorly planned houses and apartments which will stretch the length of the new road and possibly the Portrane road I would rather it remain at the hours it is at the moment.
This allows for kids and workers to access the village at their leisure throughout the day but offers a more secure environment for residents at night.
If we get the gate open now we may rue that decision later on if it becomes a ratrun for anti social behaviour,
I personally think we should leave it as is until we see how things develop around the town and then revisit it again if and when the development and population settles down.
Again this is just my opinion.
Mr. Stupid
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While there is a gateway from Beresford into Beverton Close, there is a full fence on Beverton Meadows and further up in Beverton. The next part where Beverton joins Beresford will also have an opening this won't be for a while and the other two will still remain closed.

This means, depending on where you live of course, parents who drop their kids off to school could have about another 8 mins on their walk and will more than likely clog up the village more as they opt for their cars. Similarly, people in Beverton who go Roots and Wings are less likely to walk.

In another part of Beverton, it looks like residents didn't want a footpath between a natural joining between two greens - as a footpath just stops randomly. This is really unfair to those in a wheelchair as at the moment people who don't need a wheelchair can walk across on the grass and giggle at the stupidity of it.

People will always disagree with things and that's democracy. However, there is hypocrisy here. Open up your own walls and gates before telling other people to open up there's. At the moment the Ballisk one is a minor inconvenience mainly to those coming back after a few pints. The other gates and lack of walkways are an inconvenience to disabled persons, parents with buggies, people on school and creche runs.
Last edited by Mr. Stupid on 31 Aug 2018, 08:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi Dearg,

I don't think a locked gate prevents anti-social elements from gathering or passing through, in fact it seems more likely to me that all it does is makes it harder for law abiding residents to move safely through the area. If people wish to return home to any of the houses at the back of Beverton from the village, from Beaverstown etc, they are forced to chose between climbing over the gate illegally or lengthening their journey time by 20 minutes. As the beverton98 alluded to in the original post, that is not an ideal situation for anyone but particularly not for women travelling alone.
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If you have concerns with problems in different parts of Beverton you should start your own campaign. Evidently the main concern that beverton98 has is with the Ballisk gate so it's not fair to criticise her for other issues.
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There was another campaign around Beverton to stop an opening with the Gallery. This would have been the quickest and the safest way to get home from the train station not just after 10.30 but at all times of the day.
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I am unaware of that, however I can't understand why some Beverton residents would oppose an entrance into the Gallery as it would benefit them more than anyone else.

Nevertheless you are drifting from the point of this thread which is to remove the Ballisk gate. Saying that people from Beverton opposed other projects in the past is not a valid argument in favour of maintaining a locked gate between Ballisk and Beverton.

Also you mentioned 'democracy' in a previous reply. Democracy is not a minority in Ballisk having a greater say than the majority in Beverton.
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My main objective here is to promote awareness about the Ballisk Gate so that residents can contribute to this petition.I believe this to be a democratic approach.I'm completely open to having various walkways within the estate because it is my belief that the safety of our residents is uppermost.

One thing i must address is where do our priorities lie , in safeguarding residents or focusing on the potential threat of anti social behaviour which i personally have never witnessed at the Gate.

People coming home after a few pints are not the only ones affected by it.How about the people commuting from work at night??? etc etc etc
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Exactly, 10:45 isn't that late, there are plenty of legitimate reasons why people would need to travel through after that time. And even if it was just people coming back from a "few pints", would that make it justified to restrict their movements? Last time I checked, going to the pub and walking home wasn't illegal.

Having a locked gate in Balisk is needlessly awkward as it forces people to make an extensive detour or risk climbing over it. Also, Turvey Avenue is quite an isolated road with not many houses which doesn't exactly give people walking alone much peace of mind.
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Firstly Beverton98 , congratulations on reaching the milestone figure of 200 + signatures supporting your petition!

Fact :

A meeting took place to agree the so called “terms” of the Beverton Estate / Ballisk Walkway Gate on Friday 22nd April 2005 at County Hall , Swords between 6 Ballisk residents , 2 Councillors (1 since retired) and 3 members of Fingal CoCo (1 at least since retired).

There was no representation period from Beverton Estate as the meeting was not widely advertised if at all (mmmm????). ;) ;) ;) ;)

The Fingal CoCo 4 page document from the meeting which was sent to the Secretary of the Ballisk Residents Association is freely available to the general public by way of the Freedom of Information Act.

Otherwise I have a copy of this document and can forward this to people by way of private message if they so wish.

Laughably as a previous poster has said and lets be open and transparent here one of the Ballisk Residents who agreed the "terms" has their own private gateway (planning permission conveniently granted by Fingal CoCo ;) ;) ;) ;) ) into Beverton Estate in the boundary fencing where literally a few metres away we have a gate subject to the famous “ terms ” for Beverton residents i.e opened at 5.45am and closed at 10.30pm at night.

In other words they can access Beverton Estate when the Gate is closed but Beverton residents cannot enter Ballisk.A rather bizarre situation and not right.Hypocrisy and credability of the "terms" lost in my eyes.

Current number supporting the petition is 225 versus the 11 people who agreed these so called “ terms”.

Says it all about how our country can sadly operate in an undemocratic and underhand fashion sometimes.

Medieval thinking and logic

I appeal to fair minded and democratic people to keep signing the petition.
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Would like to thank the 301 supporters of this petition! This gate has cost taxpayers €143,000 to date and this figure rises by 11,000 each year. It’s important that we get as many signatures as possible :D
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Hi All

Would like to thank all the 336 people who have signed the attached Petition so far to remove the Beverton / Ballisk Walkway Gate : ... e-donabate

We realise that the numbers who use the gate from / to Beverton Estate and surrounding areas is limited to a certain number so we consider the current number of 336 in favour of the Petition to be a resounding success.

We owe it to the Petition signatories to act on this Petition.

We have decided to submit the petition to Fingal CoCo on Thursday 28th February 2019.

So those in favour please keep signing until this date!
Last edited by beverton98 on 31 Jan 2019, 10:07, edited 2 times in total.
Mr. Stupid
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People might get confused between this one and the path on Beverton Green for which there was an online consultation recently.
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Good to see some progress on this, hopefully the council will see some sense and remove this unnecessary hinderence on people's everyday lives.
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Quote " The council said it had received 'numerous requests' from residents (i.e Beveton Estate) of the now-completed development to have the access permanently open.

' The council's transportation and planning departments would support these requests, as the lane provides a safer and shorter route to and from the town centre and railway station,' the council added. 'The current cost of opening and closing the gate is over € 11,000 per annum.' " Unquote

The petition back in 2009 from Beverton Estate was not acted upon by Fingal Co Co as they feared with no " olive branch " forthcoming from the secretary of the Ballisk Residents Association (surprise surprise :o ) they would be landed in the High Court by a loosey goosey " agreement " . Thus they took the easier and cowardly option of ignoring this petition and ensuring it mysteriously got lost in the system.

This online petition is a permanent digital record that they cannot tamper with and cannot avoid facing at some time in the future as it represents the view of normal and open-minded people more importantly the view of the democratic majority. Fingal CoCo have openly admitted to me that the gate was a mistake in the first place and they would take it down in the morning if they could.

This petition will keep the pressure on to have this gate removed once and for all. The cracks are already beginning to show.
Fr Jack
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Jaysus I'll open and close that gate everyday for half of that 11 grand :lol: :lol:
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