Posters on hearse road

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gandalf the grey
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Hi is it just me or are pro life posters on hearse rd absolutely dreadful and completely biased, surely they would have to pass a suitability test before they are put up.
Mr. Stupid
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You have to have an agreement with the local authority regarding posters. Complain to Fingal CC and let's see what to do.
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I agree, they are not only dreadful, they are misleading and there are too many of them in one small area. I don't think there should be any posters at all for this referendum, especially if they are going to contain material that is incorrect and scare-mongering.
Mr. Stupid
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It is inappropriate because even if you are pro-life you may not want to discuss the matter with your young children. However, now you have to ask them to close their eyes passing the Hearse Road.
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Bare Faced Lies, Expect a lot more of this, Anything driven by religious zealots will be built on a platform of horseshit basically.
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Hi all. I'm quite happy to see the pro-life message in our village. The posters might shock you because they tell the truth. Did you know that it is unrestricted abortion up to 12 weeks? After that an abortion may be obtained up to the 6 month mark under mental health grounds. Almost all abortions in Great Britain are performed for 'mental health reasons'. It has already been stated by Prof Boylan that the mother will decide whether or not her situation will fall under that category.

I'm afraid, this is very bad news for the unborn and I would urge people to Vote No.
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Dia dhuibh muintir Domhnach Bat, before jumping on bandwagon and declaring Pro-Life posters as being full of lies - can you elaborate on what you mean. No body pro-choice or pro-life re=gistered lobbying group are allowed to advertise false information. I have a feeling every criticism is not of the content but because it depicts a counter message to one you would like to see?

Much has been said of the fact that Ptro Life posters displaying aborted foetus' are 'disgraceful' and should not be within sight of children. To date I have not seen one poster of an aborted child - all photos I have seen are children in the womb. As this is the miracle of life showing the truth that a child in the womb is a child it should pose no problem to allow children to see them - unless you beieve that it is ok to kill children through abortion - in which case I can see why you wouldnt want anyone to view the truth?
gandalf the grey
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I'm sorry but they depict a fully formed baby, at 12 weeks a baby looks + measures nothing like the poster. Let women decide on their own life and I'd imagine its traumatic enough without having to travel to England.
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Vlad the Impaler
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Well, my opinion on the whole abortion referendum is...

... ha, fooled you! I'd rather go to a blind dentist for a root canal than get into that debate.

I think everyone is wonderfully well informed at this point. If you're not, then get the Irish Times letters page for the last month or two. Then vote. Then go build sand castles or whatever else is more fun to do.
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And as usual, when it comes to subjects more emotive than ropey planning, crime, anti social behaviour, transport, schools and SuperValue, we seem to get more first time posters with a strong view on matters like this.....

I don't have a axe to grind with either side and I will decide what way I will vote based on which side fights the cleanest, and uses intelligence rather than emotion. You can take it that in my eyes, those posters have done the cause the advocate for a disservice.
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Vlad the Impaler
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Agreed Derek.

More fun would be a thread about what is most annoying about both sides.

On the pro-life side, most annoying for me are those adult oriented posters which require you to have a comfort conversation with your young kids.

On the pro-choice side, it’s smug slogans like #trustwomen. Maybe they don’t get out much - they certainly should meet some of my old girlfriends.

Somebody above mentioned religion. There’s not much of that left in Ireland, so no longer a big influence.
Mr. Stupid
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AoifeC wrote:Hi all. I'm quite happy to see the pro-life message in our village. The posters might shock you because they tell the truth. Did you know that it is unrestricted abortion up to 12 weeks? After that an abortion may be obtained up to the 6 month mark under mental health grounds. Almost all abortions in Great Britain are performed for 'mental health reasons'. It has already been stated by Prof Boylan that the mother will decide whether or not her situation will fall under that category.

I'm afraid, this is very bad news for the unborn and I would urge people to Vote No.
Only four days to the weekend.
Last edited by Mr. Stupid on 16 Apr 2018, 19:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Vlad the Impaler
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Oh dear. Once the fuse is lit, there’s no going back it seems.

Note to self: ignore this thread.
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I was dangerously distracted by these when I first saw them after the bend. Right by an accident black spot.

Very poorly placed and of bad taste.

Tonight they were swinging in the wind on the outgoing side and could clip a wing mirror or headlight

Had i been able to stop and safely get to them, I would have taken them down as they are now dangerous so anyone driving out on Hearse road, take extra care, windy enough to take a branch down
pat mustard
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Vote as you wish, but neither side needs inflammatory posters being put up on display inappropriately, same posters all over the effn place, littering the streets, hanging dangerously off poles, no matter what you think is the true/false/fabricated/opinion/hearsay/religious mumbo jumbo message.

Lock down this thread before it turns into the Journal.

There are other places for these debates.
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