Up in smoke

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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I do think it's a bit overblown in general but saying they have nothing to do doesn't cut it. Kids have never had more to do and more ways to do it

It's up to parents to take some responsibility, no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it may be
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Agree, but if you asked that's what they would tell you.
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And they would be just shifting blame and not taking responsibility

It's just not a valid excuse. Why do kids need something to do at midnight when this happened for example

It's a shame that people won't be named and as such loads will get tarred unfairly
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No matter who or what did this!! Insurance will probably cover rebuild. But what about the poor staff who may be out of work for weeks!! Livelihoods with no wages coming in!!!! Terrible for all involved.
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Some of the previous comments are truly unbelievable! If this was somebody's house, then would it be considered inexcusable? Someone who has worked very hard to build up a business has had her world turned upside down, and there are idiots who seem nearly willing to consider it, just something bored kids do. No doubt already expensive insurance policies will be going up again, is that acceptable? Customers may go elsewhere, is that acceptable?
With regards to kids in Donabate, most kids are of course trouble free and parents of these kids will know that and will not feel the need to post defensive comments, and the parents of these kids will want the trouble elements addressed, as they tend to bully others and unsettle others. They exist in all communities, as they did when I was younger, but they were taken to hand as they should be now.
On a more positive note, the support shown by the community to the Pharmacy owner and staff, has been really wonderful
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I just hope there is clear CCTV evidence and whoever did this is held to account. Feel so sorry for the owners of that Pharmacy and the workers :(
Just Looking
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With the amount of building going on and the increase in population laid out for the area I for one am going to be contacting all of the current TD’s to ask them to lobby for a small Garda station for the area. Community policing has to be led from within the community there is no point in swords being called and waiting for however long for them to come out. They have their own problems there and we will come second fiddle. Terrible for the employees coming into Christmas.
Quello Serio
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Heisenberg wrote:... there seems to be crowds of teens in the village most evenings and I'm sure at some point they were actively involved in some sport or other activity but unfortunately some loose interest as they grow older or are bullied out by others.
I don't think the crew hanging around SuperValu were bullied out of sport or other activities.
John Blowick
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midsomermurderer wrote:
Heisenberg wrote:The big problem is that we have such a young demographic in the peninsula and unfortunately not a lot for them to do outside of school so unfortunately the devil makes work for idle hands. We were all young once and I'm sure we are no angels, maybe the passage of time has changed our outlook. No excuse for what happened to the pharmacy but I doubt it was intentionally meant to be the outcome it became.
Complete hogwash.

We have two soccer clubs, GAA club, hockey, gym and community centre, scouts, martial arts, etc. This is down to irresponsible parents who don't care what their young teenagers are up to. The dogs in the street know who they are so it's seems inconceivable that the parents don't.
Excellent response and absolutely spot on ...complete hogwash is exactly what it is !
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The antisocial behaviour that has been evident throughout the peninsula for the last couple of years is steadily increasing. I don't know if it's a result of this lefty happy clappy world that we all appear to be living in now whereby kids cannot be disciplined without some do gooder claiming it's abuse or an infringement of their rights, or perhaps it's a minority of parents with a sense of "entitlement" who just don't give a damn, but believe me I've seen this kind of thing before and if it's not nipped in the bud fairly quickly it will mushroom into something far worse.
The majority of people in this town are decent hardworking people, a lot of which have moved here in recent times to give themselves and their families a better quality of life away from these kind of incidents and activities. I can say from personal experience that I moved here from a "rougher" part of Dublin for those very reasons. I've worked hard along with most other residents here, paid through the nose for an average house to give my kids a better chance, I've never complained about it , until now , but from the small bad signs I can see, perhaps through both parents having to work to get by leading to a lack of supervision of kids , this combined with the peninsula becoming a dumping ground for the "I'm entitlement" minority of wasters who just don't give a shit is a recipe for disaster.
Hopefully the parents of these "darlings" cop on and sort there kids out before it's too late for both them and us
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'It's like a war zone... there are no rules' - Anti-social behaviour spills into Halloween celebrations

https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/n ... 78484.html
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Let's pray the above article is not about us in a couple of years
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we all know who these thugs are, WHAT do we do about it ? (i know what i'd like to do)
Fr Jack
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Donabate is full scumbags and lowlifes now. The bigger trouble coming down the line is that "dirt" like this will be having their own kids to carry on the lowlife way. If things aren't tightened up soon Donabate will be the new No go area. I'll be long gone by then.Heed the warning!! Anyone that says otherwise is either never out of their houses or go around with their eyes closed!
John Blowick
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kaner wrote:No matter who or what did this!! Insurance will probably cover rebuild. But what about the poor staff who may be out of work for weeks!! Livelihoods with no wages coming in!!!! Terrible for all involved.
The fact that "Insurance will probably cover the cost of rebuild" does not make it OK !

Insurance subscriptions cover the cost of rebuilds but as a cost to the general insurance paying public in the shape of increased premia.

So you may not realise it pal but YOU will be paying part of the cost and paying for the actions of these low lifes and their parents .

Lookit !...the people of Donabate are fools if they don't go banging on the doors of their elected representatives and DEMANDING action.

Or at the very least monitoring the effectiveness of their representatives with a view to the next election.!

Where are Daly and Ryan on this one ....very silent as far as I can see...maybe too busy campaigning for Catelonian Independance !
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Lookit !...the people of Donabate are fools if they don't go banging on the doors of their elected representatives and DEMANDING action.
Great, What time are you going door banging? Maybe take Dearg11 with you?
Lots of moaning with no suggestions as to what may be done.
John Blowick
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bland wrote:
Lookit !...the people of Donabate are fools if they don't go banging on the doors of their elected representatives and DEMANDING action.
Great, What time are you going door banging? Maybe take Dearg11 with you?
Lots of moaning with no suggestions as to what may be done.
Oh My ! No suggestions ??
You have people elected to represent you ....right ?
You are having a problem with scrotes and low lifes..right?
There are ongoing reports of anti social activity and recently a substantial business was destroyed in an arson attack..right?
What I have suggested is that you contact your local elected representatives ..every one of them..and demand action on these issues .
That is what they are elected for ...and you can judge them by their actions or otherwise ..?

No moaning there comrade ..and a suggestion for action....Ok ?
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Good man! Now instead of telling me what I should do (and already have), tell me what you have done. Apart from type a few posts. You see John Blowick, sometimes fools need to be led not lectured.

I will and do judge people by their action.
jack white
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This thread has gone off the rails a bit.

From people making stuff up (we all know who did it apparently...although obviously we don't) to people banging on about Donabate being the new 'no go area' on the basis of....no evidence at all.

Having lived in various parts of Dublin and beyond (including some foreign climes) over the years I can confirm that Donabate is by a million miles the most peaceable, placid place I've ever lived. And one incident doesn't change that, in spite of whatever hysterical overreaction you hear or read.

Anyway, more importantly, I notice that there is a Donabate Pharmacy sign in the window of the old butcher's shop at the end of the block so it looks like Nuala will be up and running soon in a new premises; perhaps a temporary premises while the old one is being completed. Great news.
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Jack are u living under a rock ?
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I agree with Jack I have lived in the village for over 30 years I walk to the shop and pubs a few times every day. I walk through the group's of kids never have any of them bothered me in any way or has my car ever been egged. Not saying these things don't happen and I'm not trivializing the burnings on portrane road. But this is a very small percentage of the young people causing trouble. Just because they are hanging around doesn't mean they are troublemakers.
Mr. Stupid
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I would agree with Jack. I think that Whatsapp group is doing nothing other than create a sense of fear, paranoia and a little bit of racism. The FB page Donabate Village is even worse. Daily Mail eat your heart out. At least with this forum there's a range of views.

There are challenges particularly when you look with the amount of high density development happening before all the facilities that were advised in the LAP needed to be in place (and probably never will be). People should focus and get the future right so that it's still a nice place to live in ten years time.
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Mr. Stupid wrote: I think that Whatsapp group is doing nothing other than create a sense of fear, paranoia and a little bit of racism.
I dropped the WhatsApp group after being inundated with messages all day about house alarms, lost pets, and people with limps walking in the village. Got a bit ridiculous to say the least. Maybe it's improved now, but I'm not willing to rejoin it based on previous experience.

I can say too in the 2+ years I've lived here that nothing has happened to me personally, but am aware that it's been happening and it would be a bit concerning considering the village is growing so fast without the infrastructure in place. Hopefully people will keep pushing to get the proper infrastructure (including the guards, which should be justified by the size of the incoming population).
Mr. Stupid wrote:People should focus and get the future right so that it's still a nice place to live in ten years time.
Yup :) Keep pushing for proper development, guards,trains, buses, etc. so we don't end up with an overcrowded village with zero amenities.
John Blowick
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How do you" keep pushing ". What precise actions are involved in "keep pushing". ? :cry:
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Defcom wrote:Jack are u living under a rock ?
Such a strange post.. Donabate is probably amoung the safest places in the western world..

I sometimes wonder what reality some people on here live in.. FYI a kid giving lip isnt antisocial behaviour
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