Up in smoke

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Pharmacy fire
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If this was started deliberately I hope the scumbags are caught and made accountable & if they are too young to be prosecuted make their parents accountable, of course it could have been an electrical fault, thinking of the owners, hope it all works out for them.....
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Not an accident. Have heard the little angels have been caught on CCTV. Hopefully someone will shortly be getting as unpleasant a knock on the door as it was for owner of pharmacy.
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They should be named & shamed........bet it's not the first or second time they have been in trouble......
I can hear the excuses from their Mammy & Daddy already, he\she normally very good, it wasn't him\her it was somebody like him\her same build, same clothes, same hair but not them blah blah blah....
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catching a rat in a trap, attaching a firework to it and let it explode, recording all of this for your snapchat story...... this is the mentality that you are dealing with - I'm not saying it was these that are responsible for the fire, but they are local..... not like last summer when you had parents shouting that it was outsiders coming into the village causing trouble.....
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There is a real issue with anti social behaviour in this village. It’s been going on for a while and doesn’t look like ending anytime soon.

Some of the youngsters in the village are absolute scumbags. They have no respect. Hang round SuperValu , village all day wasting time. Turn dark and they start egging, lighting fires, roaring abuse at people etc. What type of parent doesn’t know where there kid is after 7/8 pm

As mentioned above. Last year it was you ones from out of town coming over and giving the local lads a hiding. There was up roar. In my view they didn’t get enough o a hiding.

Something needs to be done ASAP. Name and shame them I say.

Oh and wait it will get better when this new estate is built, 30% social housing to add to the mayhem.

This place is quickly becoming a sh*thole
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Possibly the same crew that set fire in builders yard on Beaverstown road last year??

Not too long now before people start taking the law into their own hands.

Terrible for Nuala and all the staff. This is people's livelihood at stake here.
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Sad to see the aftermath today. Livelihoods up in smoke also, shameful act altogether.
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Have just put down a deposit for a new house in Rahillion, This of great concern to me now. :?
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raja_s wrote:Have just put down a deposit for a new house in Rahillion, This of great concern to me now. :?
We've been here a good few years raja_s and are very happy here. Not trying to belittle what happened last night it's horrible but unfortunately anti-social behaviour is everywhere nowadays. Donabate is a lovely place - Rahillion looks lovely too. It's always the way with forums like this, you don't hear good news only the bad. Best of luck.
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Thanks 1stimer. I really love the area!! I hope this is one off
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Unfortunately as I've previously posted , I think this peninsula has become a dumping ground for all kinds of dubious development to cater for Fingal County Councils onbligations, we're out of sight out of mind to them , no infrastructure , no Garda Station, yet we're getting ready for the new CMH( ie prison for criminally insane), new Council estate 40% the size of Darndale,

Developers who ran through very questionable plans at frightening speed , while threatening us that they will turn the land over for more social housing if we dare object, is this what we voted our Councillors and TD's in for to allow

They tried to sting us with a massive sewerage plant a couple of years ago to cater for most of Dublin, Meath and Kildare, while raking in levies from everywhere.

This does not include the multitude of other developments currently being built and the ones proposed, make no mistake , the way things are going this peninsula will soon he like West Dublin and Balbriggan in size and we haven't even got a bus route to Dublin City Centre.
These so called Representatives we have elected from outside the area at both local and National level have shoved their quota's of "undesirable" developments on to us , and fools we are for allowing it.Again I am not politically affiliated to any party but I do feel very strongly that we are pawns in some sort of carve up by outside interests, who can retain their own leafy suburbia, while I can see our beautiful peninsula being butchered and deforested by the day

WAKE UP people, I am normally a reasonable person who is happy to accept a fair share of the burden , but if not for yourselves stop this horror for your, wives, children, grandchildren before it's too late
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*** NOTE ***

The naming of, or alluding to those responsible or suspected of involvement is not allowed on this forum.

If you have any information then contact the Swords Gardai on 01-666 4700
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Quirkysop have you brought these concerns up with the local Councillor? If so, what is being said? are they still going ahead with 50% social housing or what is the story?
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Vlad the Impaler
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Can we keep posts on-topic?

This is about the pharmacy fire.
John Blowick
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"Very well said. I love it!!
There is far too much scare mongering going on in this great little village between negativity in forums, facebook and alert groups. People need to change their attitudes towards our younger generation.

See above from a poster back in July suggesting that we are being too hard on our younger generation !

Good on you pal ...the stone throwing has escalated pretty quickly to arson and substantial property destruction.!

And there is worse to come in "our great little village" if nothing is done - believe me !
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The big problem is that we have such a young demographic in the peninsula and unfortunately not a lot for them to do outside of school so unfortunately the devil makes work for idle hands. We were all young once and I'm sure we are no angels, maybe the passage of time has changed our outlook. No excuse for what happened to the pharmacy but I doubt it was intentionally meant to be the outcome it became.
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Heisenberg wrote:The big problem is that we have such a young demographic in the peninsula and unfortunately not a lot for them to do outside of school so unfortunately the devil makes work for idle hands. We were all young once and I'm sure we are no angels, maybe the passage of time has changed our outlook. No excuse for what happened to the pharmacy but I doubt it was intentionally meant to be the outcome it became.
Complete hogwash.

We have two soccer clubs, GAA club, hockey, gym and community centre, scouts, martial arts, etc. This is down to irresponsible parents who don't care what their young teenagers are up to. The dogs in the street know who they are so it's seems inconceivable that the parents don't.
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I agree about the irresponsible parenting but not all kids are interested in the list you provided.
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This not alot to do thing is a standard excuse. Its almost like not having any interests makes it ok to be a thug?

I would agree that I dont think they meant to burn the whole building down, but would we be as quick to use that excuse if throwing stones caused an accident or a fatality?
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I don't agree with Heisenberg there's loads for the kids to do soccer gaa hockey 5 golf clubs athletics tennis library horse riding . Cinemas in swords . All the sporting clubs were started and are run by volunteers mainly parents. If any other activities are required get a commitee together and start it up. That's the way these things happen
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Not what I was implying. There is no excuse for what happened but in a general sense there seems to be crowds of teens in the village most evenings and I'm sure at some point they were actively involved in some sport or other activity but unfortunately some loose interest as they grow older or are bullied out by others.
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I wondered how long it would take for the shite about they have nothing to do to start.Hopefully justice will be done and they get a period of time away from home comforts to amuse themselves.
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Should we set up a vigilante group to rid our community of its youth. Not every teen is trouble, parental responsibility and accountability needed. This fire was started at about 12 o clock, if your child was out at that time do you know where they were and what they were up to. Small minority causing trouble, don't label them all on the actions of a minority.
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