Antisocial Behavior (Please read Admin Note before posting)

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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If the ringleader is living in social housing why doesn't FCC evict them?
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Admin Note
Please do not post descriptions or identities of those involved. I realise how frustrating this is for everyone, but they are minors. Any sightings of antisocial behaviour should be reported to the Guards in Swords.

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Some of the incidents that's have taken place in Donabate are criminal behaviour not anti social behaviour. Garda called move the problem along and they return a couple of days later.

Cyclists hit with stones, that's assault nothing done. Graveyard vandalism nothing done.
Women and children verbally abused in the village nothing done.

Local councillors put up empty statements on Facebook. But nothing done.

Garda clinic. Talking shop. Nothing done.

You can call the Guards all you want it hasn't and wont change their approach to Policing Donabate which is reactionary not preventative.

With all due respect Ken the least of our worries is giving the description of the local filth on this message board.
Last edited by Flatfoot on 07 Jul 2017, 23:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Flatfoot wrote:With all due respect Ken the least of our worries is giving the description of the local filth on this message board.
Unfortunately legal action is a concern for anyone who runs a forum.

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I now know who this lad is because of the description giving by a poster on this forum ,I dont condone this lads behaviour, should it be true, but i would like to point out is that this lads father has giving up his free time in the past for the youngsters of our community ( for which i wont explain for obvious reasons) .Maybe someone could speak to the parents rather then judge them.
John Blowick
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I was wondering when the first "don't judge them" post would appear...lookit ! this stuff has been going on for a considerable length of time and the anti social behaviour is consistent and on going.

So giving up a bit of free time for the community allows a family member to terrorise the same local community.?

So when do people "judge them" ?

When somebody is seriously injured or killed ?

Looks to this poster that these thugs should have been judged some time back ...not by the people in the community but by a court of law. !

The previous post by Flatfoot is absolutely spot on . !
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There are two different lads been refered to here , yes the anti-social behaviour in our area has got worse, if people know the culprits , why not go and give the names to the Gardai and let them deal with it. Instead we have posters practicaly naming the people involved and others wanting them turfed out on the street. These are 14 year old lads and the problems in the area will be dealt with very quickly if people use the proper channel's.
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Mirror.. you yourself said you know who he is.. will you please contact the garda to report his name and address. Thank you
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No burrowbloke I wont,I know who this child is by the description giving by another poster, I know of the family but have never had any dealings with them , i haven't witnessed any of what this lad has supposedly been doing, so what would i be reporting this lad for ?
John Blowick
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"Dealt with very quickly" must be joking....the incompetence of the public service is mind blowing as evidenced by the litany of cock ups caused by laziness carelessness, poor training and supervision.
Surely the guards know who these little thugs are ...surely Iarainn Road staff know who they are ?

Not long now before the papers will be reporting along the lines of "popular teen stabbed in gang fight" the girls can slap on the make up and mascara and leave flowers on the spot where it happened and every body will say what an awful shock this kind of thing is ....

Get on to your local reps and DEMAND proper policing and protection from these ferral thugs.
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I think a lot of people have got in touch with local reps.The odd Facebook and e-mail from Henchy and Mulville extremely quiet since elected. Words mean nothing it's action we need.
Is it going to take something extreme for action to happen sadly I think so.
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Flatfoot wrote:Some of the incidents that's have taken place in Donabate are criminal behaviour not anti social behaviour. Garda called move the problem along and they return a couple of days later.

Cyclists hit with stones, that's assault nothing done. Graveyard vandalism nothing done.
Women and children verbally abused in the village nothing done.

Local Councillors put up empty statements on Facebook. But nothing done.

Garda clinic. Talking shop. Nothing done.

You can call the Guards all you want it hasn't and wont change their approach to Policing Donabate which is reactionary not preventative.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
We do not fully know what else is being done that is not reported or noticed.

Whilst we all want peace and tranquility in our home towns, this is not always possible.

The punishment for wrong doings is so restricted these days.
Since the banishment of corporal punishment, youths know there is little that can be done to them as they have rights.
What they forget is, so does the person they commit an offence against.
But if said person retaliates, they are also in the wrong and subject to a greater punishment for striking a minor.

I am 100% for CCTV in the village, especially coverage from each end of Main Street with a focus around Supervalu and the Doctors.
CCTV along with a Garda Text Alert Scheme being active, will significantly deter these incidences.
Unless the little darlings are intent on a life of crime and each offence is a mark in their "I'm hard card"

Once CCTV is active, Garda can monitor or check back on archived footage, for reported incidences for proof. Half the problem is, lack of evidence for prosecution.
This really needs to be in place before the works at the hospital is complete and should not take long to implement.
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Hi all,

Been following the threads in this forum for the last while and find it a great resource for information on the Donabate area. I have recently put down a refundable booking deposit on a house in Donabate as i really like the area. However from reading through this thread I am starting to get slightly worried and beginning to question my decision to buy here. Are these incidents isolated or common occurrences? The village and surrounds always seems so peacfull and relaxed when we visit on day trips . Would really appreciate some feedback.
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Hi Coffeez

I'm 20 years in Donabate and would buy here again tomorrow. The positives greatly outway the negatives. I think any growing young area will have some issues with teenagers. The vast vast majority of kids living here are fantastic young people who we never give credit. I know this because I have 3 of my own. On this board, we can concentrate on the negatives. That show's we care. We maybe could do with some better public officials. But look at what Donabate/Portrane has and as a community has developed, good schools primary and secondary, beaches, Newbridge Park, GAA Club, Hockey Club, Tennis Club, Golf Clubs, Football Clubs, Gym, Library, Community Centre, Park Runs, train station I'm missing somethings, betting shops and pubs if that's your thing. That speaks of people with a strong spirit and a desire to constantly improve the area for everyone living here.

In my opinion, you should look forward to living here.

Hopefully, that helps.
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Flatfoot wrote:Hi Coffeez

I'm 20 years in Donabate and would buy here again tomorrow. The positives greatly outway the negatives. I think any growing young area will have some issues with teenagers. The vast vast majority of kids living here are fantastic young people who we never give credit. I know this because I have 3 of my own. On this board, we can concentrate on the negatives. That show's we care. We maybe could do with some better public officials. But look at what Donabate/Portrane has and as a community has developed, good schools primary and secondary, beaches, Newbridge Park, GAA Club, Hockey Club, Tennis Club, Golf Clubs, Football Clubs, Gym, Library, Community Centre, Park Runs, train station I'm missing somethings, betting shops and pubs if that's your thing. That speaks of people with a strong spirit and a desire to constantly improve the area for everyone living here.

In my opinion, you should look forward to living here.

Hopefully, that helps.
Totally agree Flatfoot. Coffeez we're here 12 years and love Donabate. It's a developing community and you get what you put into it. Our kids have loads to do and they love it too. So easy to zone on the negative issues that's going on but why not. If there's something that's annoying the community at large it's up to us to raise that issue and get it sorted. I know it's a problem for other communities nearby on the train line so hopefully it will be sorted soon. Flatfoot don't forget Scrumdiddles think most of the kids here wouldn't forgive you!
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Mirror - you would be assisting the Gardaí in identifying who the troublemakers are or are not as the case may be. Members of the community suspect that certain individuals are the ringleaders - you have the details of the individuals concerned. Do your civic duty and help your community and the Gardaí and pass on the names of the individuals concerned and let the Gardaí decide whether or not they are involved as it is suggested on this thread.
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Honestly go cop yourself on, the people that gave a very graphic description of this lad on this forum and who seemly witnessed this lads behaviour should be the people that go to the gardai, you want me to go to the gardai because an anonymous poster has made accusations about a local lads behaviour that I never witnessed myself, Jesus are you for real
John Blowick
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Have to agree with Mirror on this one way should anybody go to the Gardai with info on anybody that they have not verified themselves.

I think , though the community is giving the public repps a soft ride here ..these people put themselves up for election to represent the community..make them earn their corn and make them understand the consequences if they fail to do this.

They should be vigorously demanding better policing and protection for local citizens and forcing the local keystones to deliver a proper policing service ..don't be fobbed off by them dashing off an e-mail to the local gda station....they just go in the bin.

Don't listen to the "don't judge them shoite" this stuff has been going on for some time and the "children" perpetrating have had enough rope..despite what the fluffy liberals might have you believe.

Every citizen has the right to live in the community without being terrorised or interfered with by ferral's time people stood up for their rights.!
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Every crop of teenagers has a subset that gets a whiff of itself and behaves badly. This has been going on forever - even Plato is credited with attributing a quote about it to Socrates.

This is nothing new for Donabate. Some of you may have even been those kids when you were their age.

A number of years ago, we had a particularly obnoxious crop. The adults made a plan, and joined together to let the lads know that enough was enough. Nobody was hurt, but nobody left that meeting uncertain about what behaviours were unacceptable and would no longer be tolerated. I'm not saying rhat none of them ever stepped out of line again, but the over the top stuff ceased immediately.
Might be worth organising a meeting.
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I think if you asked the Gardai what is the best way to deal with anti - social behaviour they wouldn't say discussions on social media, whatsapp groups, anonymous re-postings on Donabate Village facebook page, erecting gates, building walls and getting Mexico to pay for it.
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I've had the pleasure of being at the receiving end of one of these described youths, lost control of my car one night thanks to this young lad. I had 2 small kids in the back, i seen someone throw something in the corner of my eye, all of a sudden boom windscreen covered in white paint, first off it startled me and the kids to the point where i lost control of the vehicle, then to make matters worse we can't see the traffic coming towards us, so lucky that night not to end in a crash or worse me mounting the footpath and running over someone. i won't lie i wanted to kick 7 colours of S**t out of the little B*****D, but he ran. i would love to know his name, i know his face but not his name. he has been described here on this forum, could someone PM me with his name ?
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Defcom wrote:could someone PM me with his name ?
Please, no attempts to identify anyone via the forum. Thanks.

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How about organizing a (obviously peaceful) rally one of the next weekends? I'm sure that's going to keep pressure up with Councillors (I too have written to Henchy many times), Gardai and whatsnot. We need to get some public attention, and I'm sure the attitude of the powers that be will change - a lot.
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I did write to both our local representatives asking them to arrange a public meeting on this and other issues. That was over a week ago. Guess what? no reply from either of them. I'll try Facebook next or organise the opening of an envelope that usually gets the politicians out and about. They do love a photo opportunity. To bad we can't post descriptions of what they look like on the forum.Shame as everyone could keep an eye out for them in the village.
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Im sorry that some people have had their cars stoned etc. I have lived in donabate for the past 30 years i have seen very little anti social behaviour. I dont think kids hanging outside supervalue counts. Sometimes these incidents are extremely exaggerated and gives the culprits some kind of notoriety amongst their peers. We would be better off reporting incidents to Gardai and stop putting reports on social media.
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