Antisocial Behavior (Please read Admin Note before posting)

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i noticed that the last thread on anti-social behavior was locked and no one has started one since despite the increase. i appreciate what is involved in moderating a site like this and if the admins dont want us to talk about antisocial behavior for some reason then so be it.

on an almost weekly basis we are now experiencing violence and violent assaults by what appears to be outsiders coming into the village on the train. whether or not they are meeting up with locals i dont know.

many parents are now afraid to let their children out to the village at the weekends for fear of what has been happening.

i believe the Gardai are doing a good job and responding well, despite being under-resourced when these incidents occur, but clearly the purpetrators arent afraid. I hope we do see some of them in court soon as i understand there have been several arrests.

my question is what ever happened to the cctv that was being offered to us, i believe either free of charge or at a significantly lower cost (correct me if i'm wrong)? Who decided on our behalf that we didn't want this?

good quality cctv has been proven to reduce crime significantly in areas where it has been implemented.
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Was there another incident recently? I'd be curious about the CCTV as well.
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A local company called usee had cctv installed a few years back. Not sure why it was removed but I'm pretty sure usee offered it for free. msybe someone can confirm this.
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Hi, regarding anti social behaviour, this is definitely getting worse , gangs of youths black and white that I don't recognise from living in the area running amok in train station again last night, trying to intimidate passengers on platform, local girls approx 13- 15 appear to be the attraction to them, I wonder do the parents know where their darlings are , or who they are hanging around with, surely Irish Rail have a responsibility for security at their stations, I'm sure if they actually manned the stations instead of abandoning them and started charging fares/ fining dodger's these gatherings would reduce dramatically, I fear we are in for a long summer
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From what I've seen and been hearing, it seems like most of this behavior happens in the evenings, maybe after about 5:30 or so? I usually tend to see them hanging around between 6 and 6:30. They weren't causing trouble the times I saw them, but was a bit uncomfortable with them cycling on the train platform, and playing music loudly down the main road in the village.

If there's anyone here that is able to take advantage of the guard clinic, maybe providing a specific time frame for increased patrols would help? (ie. between 5:30-7:30). Then if the guards see the group hanging around, they can disperse them. I know in the US anyways, we had anti-loitering laws, so even if a group was just standing there, it could be dispersed. It prevented gang activity and other problems in places like shopping centres. Not sure if that is the case here.

Maybe it has already been suggested, but if not, maybe someone can mention at the guard clinic that an officer be placed here during that time frame at least on a temporary basis to see how it goes. Would be better to be proactive than reactive before the problem becomes worse.
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Vlad the Impaler
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Yeah, the week before last I saw a bunch of them being kicked off the train as they were trying to go home without tickets.

There do indeed seem to be a few local girls 13/15 years old chasing after them.

Lots of Gardai at the train station this evening at 5PM - Anybody know what was going on? Looked like arrests were being made.
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Vlad the Impaler wrote:There do indeed seem to be a few local girls 13/15 years old chasing after them.
Fair play to them. At least someone is doing something to sort this problem.
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Let's face it, the Donabate/Portrane peninsular has the greatest risk of crime in relation to population and visitors yet the slowest response time possible from Garda Station.
At a 13 minutes from Swords base (within speed limits) response time, there should be a local station.
Even Rush and Lusk have their own stations, albeit small ones and the response time from Garda base to station is as little as 3 minutes from Lusk, 5 mins from Balbriggan or Skerries to their local stations.

Are we going to have to wait until a near fatal or worse incident to happen before us tax paying citizens get the protection we seek.
Or are we to have a neighbourhood watch patrolling the area?

The Garda clinic on a Tuesday is to me pointless.
If they were to have it on a Saturday - now you're making sense.

Either provide a Garda station in Donabate or Portrane, provide emergency service access across Malahide Estuary or move the Swords Garda station nearer the M1 junction.
The latter would avail for Motorway emergency services.

Rapid deployment of emergency services to a satellite town from the center of home town makes no logistical sense with today's infrastructure.
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jayflame wrote: Even Rush and Lusk have their own stations...
Rush was closed five years ago, and Lusk only opens for a couple of hours in morning/afternoons.

We'll never get one here.
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Door window at Sweeney Todd's appears to have been kicked in yesterday or last night.
I didn't notice it before, but did this morning.
The village being covered by CCTV and a higher level of Gardia presence needs to be reviewed
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Gang of teenagers on the Portrane Road earlier this evening. One of them fires a stone at me as I'm cycling by.
I confront them. They had no fear. They just couldn't have cared less. Smart asses a few of them. Others just sat there bored and dismissive.
If this lot is our future, well, good luck.

this has been going on for almost a year now with these kids throwing stones at cars and bikes. there was an incident with fires up at the graveyard yesterday i believe and id say it was the same group of thugs.

there is a gang of teens up at the Mini Euros all week, just walking up to it and then coming back down to hang out on the Portrane road. This particular group of course havent been taking part in the mini euro.

what i dont understand is why these people havent been stopped in almost a year? they don't exactly cover their faces and one of the guys in particular stands out like a sore thumb. everyone knows who they are yet nothing has been done. why havent the guards arrested them or called to their parents. they are doing the same thing at the same place now for the past year. would be very easy to take them in for questioning. Does anyone know why this hasnt been done?

clearly the above is just my opinion in who it may be. i havent seen them personally do anything myself, but from descriptions from others im hazarding an educational guess.

and here's a post that was on the St. Itas FC Facebook page a little while ago.
Again, whatever happened would have happened in front of hundreds of people. Why aren't these people's doors being knocked on. We all know who they are......

A message from our local public representatives, with thanks from all of us at St. Ita's AFC.
Thanks for the email and contacting us. Really sorry to hear about the trouble last night been visited upon your fantastic tournament which is truly a fantastic event for the communities of Donabate & Portrane. Obviously as most of you are well aware the issue of antisocial behaviour is a real and escalating issue in our area and while there is no doubt the vast, vast amount of young kids are behaving themselves impeccably we have an ongoing issue with some of our own young kids/teenagers from the peninsula as well as visiting youths from our neighbouring communities whose behaviour at times is totally unacceptable. To hear that a tournament designed to bring great enjoyment and fun to both the kids & their families was disrupted last night by unruly behaviour to be honest is not only depressing but is totally unacceptable. We are also very conscious that this tournament is staged every year at the wonderful venue of "The Park" in St. Ita's and this takes place on the background of a strong relationship between everyone associated with St. Ita's AFC and the management and staff at St. Ita's hospital who also have a duty of care to provide a safe and homely environment for the residents and staff at St. Ita's. We have heard from other sources that the Security staff at St. Ita's have been subjected to disgraceful verbal abuse not only last night but all too frequently at other times.
We have contacted Sgt Oliver Woods at Swords Garda station today and he has agreed to deploy Gardai at the Mini Euros tonight and also to cover both Friday & Saturday. Can we also ask everyone in the club to report to Swords Garda station any episodes of antisocial/Unruly/Criminal behaviour that they come across. The more this information is properly captured and recorded the easier it is for Public representatives to campaign for and call for improved resources. We would also like to encourage people to use the Garda Clinic that is open every Tuesday from 11am-1pm at Donabate-Portrane Community Centre.
Finally, can we very much thank and recognise the outstanding voluntary community service everyone at St. Ita's AFC is providing not only this week by staging the highlight of what is the best part of many a child's summer the "Mini Euros" but your efforts throughout the year in promoting, developing and providing Soccer to the communities of Donabate & Portrane. Thanks for the invitation to your finals day on Saturday which we will both be delighted to attend and very much looking forward to it. Should you require any other help or assistance at any stage don't hesitate to contact us again and we hope the rest of the tournament takes place without any further difficulties.
Cllr. Adrian Henchy and Cllr. Paul Mulville
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Great that something is being done with the mini euros but looks like more trouble in the village today.

Such a shame nothing will be done (or can be done) by the guards
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Vlad the Impaler
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Yeah, this stone throwing thing seems to be catching... unless it's the same group.

A couple of workmen were painting the railings outside the doctors surgery a couple of weeks ago and someone from a group of teenagers threw stones at them from across the street.

Again, no fear when confronted, while the rest looked disinterested.

Jeez, when I was a teenager, throwing stones was pretty uncool. These kids are real dicks.
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Vlad the Impaler wrote:A couple of workmen were painting the railings outside the doctors surgery a couple of weeks ago and someone from a group of teenagers threw stones at them from across the street.

Again, no fear when confronted, while the rest looked disinterested.
I was one of the workmen.
The only fear I have is loosing my cool and attacking one of them as a rock not a stone (you could not close your hand around it), narrowly missed me.
It started off with them throwing Bourbon biscuits, which was really bugging me as I didn't have a cuppa to dunk them.

Pranks are one thing, but when weapons/missiles are being used, no longer a joke.
I have a picture of the group and have since had close passing's with some of them when walking past Chungs and they refuse to pass single file.
In a group, they think they are invincible.

CCTV in the village is needed for 24/7 coverage.

Lets also not forget, there are some people that hang around Supervalu, just shooting the breeze and don't bother anyone, but can get easily mistaken for those that do.
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Ah right, that was you? I was driving by with the windows open.

The thing is, there's not much you can do. They know you're an adult that can't touch them. They need a clip round the ear by their fathers.
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Vlad the Impaler wrote:Ah right, that was you? I was driving by with the windows open.

The thing is, there's not much you can do. They know you're an adult that can't touch them. They need a clip round the ear by their fathers.
I'd say a lot of them don't even know who their Father is.
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I heard the trouble in the village was incited by a [Admin Edit] challenging a group of kids from Malahide and Coolock to come and fight him and his friends. The trouble at St Itas was caused by the usual local thugs, saw the Dad of one of the local thugs talking to the St Itas guys probably trying to say it wasn't his sons fault, another case of "mistaken identity" again, I don't think so! I've heard a rumour that their house is for sale - could we be that lucky????
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About 80 kids turned up in Beverton yesterday for a scrap. A lot of them were from outside the town. Some residents kept them under control until the Garda arrived and moved them on.The head of them was that [Admin Edit]. It's a terrible thing to say but he's going to take a serious beating from somebody.

There's trouble all along the north coast Balbriggan, Rush, Sutton Portmarnock have all been in the news about gangs using the DART and Trains to travel to pre-arranged fights etc.
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Fedup wrote: [Admin Edit]
Im glad we know who one of the ringleaders are! I hope his parents see all the posts over the last year and are ashamed of themselves!
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Vlad the Impaler
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[Admin Edit] is too kind. Bespectacled ginger nut.
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In London they have dispersal orders in place. If a group of 8 or more youths are gathering, the police would intervene, bring them to station until collected by parent or guardian. Parents would act then as would soon get fed up of having to sign kids out of station. It was much worst in London though as was stabbing/riots daily,but it could get that way here unless preventative measures are in place.....
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Sorry the population in London is a lot bigger....
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