Ballisk Walkway opening times

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Bongo68 wrote:Hi Lo-cal

Firstly apologies for hi-jacking and piggy-backing on your original thread!

For your information the Operations Department in Fingal Co Co are responsible for the management of the gate.Their number is 01-890 5595.However from the response i received from them , as you will see previously in the thread , i have to agree with Ken on this one " In other words, they're telling you to go away."For some reason or other i seem to have hit upon a nerve and am being told to quickly move on!!!

I was not aware that we currently have a Beverton Residents Association.They need to advertise themselves better and get themselves out there.Not everybody uses Facebook!

Is there a contact person to whom we can contact in the current Association to add this topic to the agenda for discussion at least and try and guage opinion on the matter???

If you do hear anything about the meeting with Adrian Henchy please let me know.
Hi Bongo68

Thank you for that but no need to apologise as I am glad to hear someone else is interested in this issue! So please hi-jack away ...

Thank you for the information re management of the gate as I wasn't sure whose responsibility it came under. I totally agree with you that FCC should engage with both groups of residents equally. There is an imbalance at the moment which no one appears to want to address.

I wasn't aware either that there was a Beverton Residents Assoc. until I saw it comes across my Facebook page a couple of weeks ago. I agree. For such a big estate I was surprised to only hear about it on Facebook i.e. no flyers through the letterbox, word of mouth, etc.

There doesn't appear to be a contact name. It just says "If​ you wish to join the committee, or have a general comment, send us a pm." I will send them a pm and add this topic to the agenda for discussion and as suggested, try and guage opinion on the matter.

Yes, if I hear any update on the meeting with Adrian Henchy I will let you know.
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Many thanks for that Lo-cal.

It is genuinely my honest opinion that Fingal Co Co , local councillors etc etc are fearful of the wrath of the Ballisk Lane Residents Association who i believe can be quite vehement in their protests at meetings on this issue and need to step up to the plate in their duties to all residents , start showing real back bone and start correcting the glaring imbalance here by actively engaging with the Beverton residents aswell and not just favouring and pandering to one group.What is with this obsession of consulting with one set of residents only and only being guided by their opinions??? Otherwise the current situation of residents in Beverton being walked upon and ignored regardless of their opinion on this matter will continue to drift along ad nauseum.
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The walkway to Ballisk was objected to by the Ballisk residents due to their concerns regarding anti social behaviour. When Beverton was being built Ballisk was a very quiet lane much quieter than it is today. There was never a proper access to where Beverton is now from Ballisk it was a field with a farm type gate. The residents of Ballisk agreeded with a gate on the walkway in order to ensure children could have a safer way to school as turvey was seen ( and still is) a more dangerous and longer route. The agreement was based on it been closed during certain hours. This is the way it has been for many years.
It was not put in place in order for people to get to and from the train station. A walkway through the gallery would be a much quicker route to there but 'beverton' residents objected to that. A petition was sent around for that and people called to doors to sign it and fingal county council accepted that objection.
I think the Beverton Residents association is the best place to air these views if it gets up and running. I feel the Ballisk residents are being treated unfairly here for standing up for their place. And as for fingal county council being afraid of them, if that was the case there would be no walkway at all as Ballisk residents would have not accepted the agreement . I think we have to be far for all residents both sides of the gate it's not as if we are locked in with no way in or out.
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Hi Ruby1

I am glad that somebody from the Ballisk point of view whether living in Beverton or Ballisk has finally decided to make known their views / comments on this issue.

"The walkway to Ballisk was objected to by the Ballisk residents due to their concerns regarding anti social behaviour."

Can you please provide documented evidence on anti-social behaviour on the walkway since the agreement with Fingal Co Co. was made way back in 2001.4 years before the gate even opened!Not hearsay but actual documented evidence such as gardai callouts etc etc.I live in close proximity to the walkway and have yet to witness any anti-social behaviour in the last 10 to 12 years.Exaggerated claims at best in my opinion.

"The residents of Ballisk agreeded with a gate on the walkway in order to ensure children could have a safer way to school as turvey was seen ( and still is) a more dangerous and longer route."

Why was it agreed to the gate being open till 10.30pm at night and not around school hours if this was the case???

"This is the way it has been for many years."

Does'nt mean it's right and should remain this way.Should be subject to review on at least an annual basis by Fingal Co Co and not forgetting to consult with Beverton residents aswell who do not live in close proximity to the gate on this matter!.

"A walkway through the gallery would be a much quicker route to there but 'beverton' residents objected to that. A petition was sent around for that and people called to doors to sign it and fingal county council accepted that objection."

I would seriously seriously call into question the validity of that so called petition.I as a Beverton resident and having spoken to other residents they are not aware of any people calling to the doors on this issue.Have you got documented evidence on the results of this petition???As for the gallery walkway i would have voted
for it even though it would have impacted on me personally to be opened.Who am i to stop other people from enjoying the benefits of this walkway???

I refer you to an Irish Independent article from 2009 : ... 96942.html

"The council said it had received 'numerous requests' from residents of the now-completed development to have the access permanently open."

"I feel the Ballisk residents are being treated unfairly here for standing up for their place."

I am in receipt of an e-mail from Fingal Co Co on this issue :

"Your email on behalf of residents of Beverton,Donabate , in relation to opening/closing of the gate on Ballisk Lane refers.
Please note that the residents of Ballisk Lane reached an agreement with the Council during a series of meetings in relation to the Donabate West Action Plan in 2001, regarding the opening/closing times of this gate.We have suggested on a number of occasions that it would be reasonable to leave the gate open to facilitate local passengers on the last train to Donabate but this has been rejected by the residents of Ballisk Lane.
In the circumstances , the Council is not in a position to extend the opening hours of the gate but will continue to engage with Ballisk residents in this regard ,"

The key-word here is reasonable.Ballisk Lane residents are being unreasonable and not treating the mainstream Beverton residents fairly on this matter!.

I feel that Ballisk residents have the best of both worlds on this issue.Able to avail of the walkway into Beverton up until 10.30pm(forget about school hours!!!) and avail of the last train into Donabate.Hypocrisy at best! "Standing up for their place" in my eyes equates to not in my back-yard!

In conclusion,it is my opinion that the Ballisk residents have tailored the hours to suit their own needs only without any consideration for the Beverton residents so please don't roll out the anti-social behaviour and school hours nonsense!
Last edited by Bongo68 on 22 Jun 2017, 03:09, edited 3 times in total.
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I actually live in Beverton myself not Ballisk so I'm not representing the Ballisk residents in anyway, I just want to make that clear. As you suggest the Ballisk residents are well able to stand up for themselves and don't need me doing it.
As for the petition against the walkway through the Gallery, my husband signed the petition although he was in favour of a shorter route to the train station when the man explained his reasons ( anti social behaviour, car parking fears and emergency services may have difficulties getting through the estate) he signed it.
It recognises the man who called to the door still but he has no name.
My comments were not made to annoy anyone just felt like putting my thoughts out there.
I hope you get somewhere with all this as it seems to be really bothering you.
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I live in Beverton too and have never heard of a residents association - and I am on Facebook. I'll have to search for it.
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Here's the link to Beverton Residents Association Facebook page: ... 349207460/

I sent them a pm enquiring when they anticipated having the meeting with Cllr Henchey and also to add this topic to the agenda for discussion to try and guage opinion from the Beverton residents on the matter. I also advised them that I mentioned their Facebook page to my neighbours but that they weren't on Facebook but would have an interest in issues in the estate and would like to attend the meeting. The reply I got was "We are working to get the meeting sooner rather than later".
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Hi Lo-cal

Fair play for coming back as promised with an update.
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Hi Bongo68,

No problem, if I hear any further on the meeting, agenda, etc. I will update the page here.
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On the subject of the Beverton residents association, nothing is official yet. The facebook page right now is like the Donabate village page. There is nothing official backing it up as nothing has been set up yet. If you are interested in getting involved or finding out more contact Adrian Henchy directly. Then hopefully something official will be set up.
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Update received via e-mail from Adrian Henchy :

"I am currently in discussions with both residents of Beverton and with the Community department of Fingal County Council with a view to facilitating the formation of a Beverton Residents Association and no doubt if the residents can get themselves organised in establishing an official association no doubt this will be one of many issues the Beverton Residents will want to address with the Council."
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Further update received via e-mail from Darragh O'Brien :

"Many thanks for getting in touch in relation to this issue.

What you said in your mail seems perfectly reasonable and to make senses. I have contacted my colleague Cllr Adrian Henchy to inform him of your query.

Both Cllr Henchy and I will contact Fingal County Council in relation to this matter to try and have the opening hours of the walkway extended.

As soon as we receive a response we will be back in touch."
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Further update received via e-mail from Alan Farrell :

"Thank you for your email raising your concerns regarding the Beverton - Ballisk Lane Walkway and I will contact the Council requesting them to consider opening the walkway for longer periods to facilitate local people especially those using the late trains service to Donabate."
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Hi Bongo68,

Thanks for contacting those representatives and conveying their responses. It sounds like they view the suggestion to consider extending the opening times as reasonable and are open to raising the topic for discussion with FCC which is a positive start.
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Hi there,some points to represent my family who have lived very close to the security gate for 13 years... 1.Yes petitions were signed by most of the estate as was years ago..pre some newer additions to stop our lovely green,spacious estate turning into an extra car park for Irish Rail. 2.The security gate between Bev/Ballisk most definitely deters anti social behaviour after 10.30pm. Ourselves and our direct neighbours are very often tormented by people coming into Bev to carry on in a fashion that they would not on their own doorstep.We have seen everything... couples engaging in relations meant for their own privacy on the road outside our house (We have kids)..people coming thru very drunk carrying slabs onto the green and keeping us awake...egging our house,knock n run very often and the latest is pouring cans of beans over our car..if you think there is no anti social behaviour then let me tell you that we live it all the time.Only thing is, when 10.30pm approaches there is a mass exodus and we are left in peace again.Its as obvious as day n night...the trouble is very frequent but they leave before gate closed! Thank God for that laziness! 3.That gate is most definitely a security to residents here and I am confused about the big issue about the late train...Beverton has a lovely big fancy entrance on Turvey where the entrance/exit of train station is.The walk/cycle is almost equal distance to front of it really an issue getting home from the station or is it getting home from Keelings? 4.The residents of Ballisk ,like ourselves,deserve peace and quiet from trouble and are don't deserve the bad press ...its not cool! The security works very well and we will also be contacting local politicians to ask them to leave well enough alone...
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Hi Bevers,
I will definitely sign the petition to remove the gate so that Beverton residents can enjoy the freedom to move around Donabate when ever they choose. Locking the gate is absurd. With so many teenagers and young adults on the rise, we need to look out for their safety. Walking the long way home from the train station late at night puts them in danger. It's a dark road, badly lite and there are often undesirables hanging around. This is not a safe option. Climbing the gate after 10.30 also puts the residents in danger.

Bever, I'm sorry to hear that your property was vandalised. But did you ever think that if there was no gate theses acts of vandalism would not have taken place. Restricting a persons freedom to move around in a public area can upset and anger some people.

Who is leading the signing of the petition? I would imagine the majority of Beverton residents will sign it.
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I live in Beverton & have not noticed any antisocial behaviour near the gate.The only disturbance is with teenagers jumping the gate after 10.30!
I don't see why there's a gate between Beverton & Ballisk when people can walk freely everywhere else in the village eg between Somerton & Carrs mill & on to Cois Inbhir
I would like to see the 11,000 euro which is paid out annually spent on improving the village!
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Hi Jellyhead / Mitch 1

I am delighted that some of the Beverton residents are finally starting to realise the insanity of this situation.

Fully agree with your comments and very good ones about the health and safety issue aspect of the gate and the other estates having uninterferred access.Seem a reasonable bunch in these estates!.

The gate is now in place at least 10 years and currently costing at least €110 , 000 and counting just to pander to a small number of residents.

I seriously seriously doubt that most of Beverton estate signed this petition.I have never ever seen a petition.Probably just a few scrawls from a small number of houses with a vested interest i suspect and handed into Fingal Co Co in my opinion.Show me the real data!

I went down to the gate last night at 10.30 pm to witness the biblical "mass Exodus" and people carrying concrete slabs onto the green(or is that beer slabs???) , squad cars , armageddon etc etc as i was seriously beginning to doubt i was living in the right estate or on the right forum.Not a soul other than one man and his dog!!Said good-night and that was it!The sooner people see through these exaggerrated claims the better!

As for the reference to Keelings what is wrong with people from Beverton estate going out socialising and coming home at a sociable hour???.Apart from Keelings people i am sure go to Malahide , Dublin City etc etc.The Ballisk Residents are able to get the last train home after a night out without fear of the gate being closed and having to do the long walk home.Closing the gate for Beverton residents at 10.30pm???We're not children for gods sake!

People in favour of the gate being opened longer or permanently get on to your local councillors and Fingal Co Co if you want to see this gain traction.All contact details can be found in the above posts. :D
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Agreed I would like to see the data and input from both sides of the discussion. Everyone who waited the 15 years for the footpath on Turvey Ave will know the council are not the fastest moving on any issue. Dont hold your breath waiting on a a quick decision.
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Hi there,the walkway was never a public right of way in any shape or form was residents living in close proximity back then that asked Ballisk residents for permission for us to create one for safe passage for ourselves and our children toward school was courteous of them at the time to allow us to do so..there was no legal obligation on their part and no entitlement on ours! It was and remains a good will gesture and the Times of opening and closing are terms of agreement .. .please take care cos I would be concerned if we lost complete access if people were to take a disrespectful stance.
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Bingo,please stop accusing us of being liars and creating fake news,your opinions could be seen as slanderous and try to remember that we are your neighbours and it's those of us here a longer time that have achieved a lot of the lovely place that Beverton is.
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Just to mention the walkway between Beverton and Ballisk is a very different situation to those in other estates mentioned above. Those estates were all built within a number of years of each other. Ballisk is a long time established in Donabate , an original area. Beverton was built in more recent times and as stated by another poster there was never a public walkway in place.
I think some respect should be shown to all posters on this forum. The tone at times comes across as a little aggressive, this is probably not the intention but it is how it seems.
Nobody is saying Ballisk's needs come before those of Beverton residents but it is not as if we are not able to get home from the train or keelings. And who is to say that walking down Ballisk and under the railway brigde is safer then walking the paths down Turvey? Unfortunately you could meet trouble in any area of our village.
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Any thoughts on the amount of money it is costing to keep this gate closed for just over 7 hours in every 24?
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Ruby1 wrote:Just to mention the walkway between Beverton and Ballisk is a very different situation to those in other estates mentioned above. Those estates were all built within a number of years of each other. Ballisk is a long time established in Donabate , an original area. Beverton was built in more recent times and as stated by another poster there was never a public walkway in place.
I think some respect should be shown to all posters on this forum. The tone at times comes across as a little aggressive, this is probably not the intention but it is how it seems.
Nobody is saying Ballisk's needs come before those of Beverton residents but it is not as if we are not able to get home from the train or keelings. And who is to say that walking down Ballisk and under the railway brigde is safer then walking the paths down Turvey? Unfortunately you could meet trouble in any area of our village.
Ruby, I have read all the posts on this thread and not one post comes across as a "little aggressive" as you have said. Just because people do not agree with each other's opinions does not mean people are bring disrespectful. You are incorrect, we are unable to get home from the village after 10.30pm because of the gate being locked. We are essentially being locked out of our estate at one end.
I want to feel safe, and I want my children and all of the other residents in Beverton to feel safe if they are coming home from the train station or the village after 10.30pm. I personally do not feel safe walking alone on the main road when it is dark. This snobbery from Balisk residents needs to be addressed. Balisk residents should not dictate what time Beverton residents need to be behind the railings.
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