Traffic chaos school collections

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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I walked up the beaverstown road the other day past the educate together at quarter past two and I was amazed at what I saw. I saw six cars sitting stationary on the main road and at first I thought they had broken down! Then I realised this was parents queueing up on the main road and sitting with indicators/hazards on while they waited fifteen minutes for school to finish. The road at one stage had six cars deep while poor local residents attempted to overtake them to get to their homes. Surely this illegal blocking of a main road does not happen every collection time?
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This happens regularly. All I can say is that people are idiots. People are selfish. People have no regard for others. It is the height of danger and illegal.

I have no idea if the school has done anything about this. I don't think so as it still goes on.
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The school have tried to address this on several occasions asking parents to consider local residents with regard to blocking Beaverstown Road and local housing estates. Unfortunately there will always be those who feel it doesn't apply to them.

Donabate Hatter
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Exactly the same 'f*** you, I can do what I like and park etc where I like' mentality that we see at Scrumdiddleys and while we may put a lot of the blame at Scrumdiddleys on those pesky interlopers from outside the village, presumably the dickheads causing the trouble at the local school are locals!!!!
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Please Donabate Hatter! Do you need to attend some Anger Management classes. Please some control!
Donabate Hatter
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' Do you need to attend some Anger Management classes. Please some control!'

This is a joke right, because if my post leads you to believe that I need 'anger management classes' then you need to get out more!!!!
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That level of anger is not good for you . I am only concerned for your health.
Donabate Hatter
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James whats wrong with showing your angry. Its a perfectly normal human emotion. See i think thats whats wrong, people are no longer aloud to show there through real emotions. People park on the road and block traffic not because there bad people but because they believe nobody really minds, i say speak up if your angry show it, it means that person really throughly cares about something.
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I worry for the poor mans heart and his blood pressure. It is not good for his health?
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It is not just here that this happens.

I was visiting family in the UK, Harrow in London, to be precise.
I arrived at their house, opposite a primary school, to find a mother in her car, blocking the driveway.
I beeped the horn to get her attention and waved her to move.
She pointed at the school and signaled she was waiting for her child.
I pointed to the driveway and the fact she was blocking it.
It took a few moments and several hand waving gestures before she realised she was obstructing the driveway that I was trying to park in.

Too often, parents/carers collecting children from schools or creches think that a minute or two, obstructing access is not a big deal and others should be patient as they will be out of the way shortly.

I wonder what they would think if there was an emergency, or they needed access to their own home and someone was blocking access.

From my understanding of Irish/EU law, obstructing traffic is an offence, no matter how minor.
Offenders should be reported.

The roads are for everyone to share, no matter what you are in.
I would be inclined to get out of my vehicle and take photographs of each vehicle causing the obstruction and pass it onto the Garda.

Like able bodied people parking in disabled spaces, its time these people are named and shamed.
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jayflame wrote: I wonder what they would think if there was an emergency, or they needed access to their own home and someone was blocking access.
There was an email that went around a few days ago from St. Pats, that an ambulance couldn't get through to a family in need because of the double parking on Carr's Mill during school pickups/drop offs.

It's an especially hard time for Carr's Mill/Somerton because of pyrite construction traffic and new development traffic has meant extra parked cars and trucks and skips. People have been double parking ridiculously in both estates where at times it's even difficult for cars to get through. And no, parking on the footpath opposite another car doesn't help!

Please be mindful of how you park.
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