
General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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Am i the only one in the village that is so fed up with scrumdidleys and all it has brought to the village.

Cars parked everywhere and anywhere..doesnt matter if double yellow lines. The residents in St.Patricks Park been held hostage in their own homes, unable to get their cars out. The rubbish been left behind is an eyesore to oir.beautiful village and an insult to our tidy town team.

Driving through the village with children running out in front of accident waiting to happen.

We all love a scrummy tub but who in their right mind gave permission to have an icecream shop on a busy corner?? Who do they have in their pocket....

I wouldnt like to see them leave the village but can they not look for a more suitable, safer premises within Donabate...

Al the Pal
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I completely agree...only a matter of time before there is an accident. If people are willing to stand and queue for ages for an ice cream (I wouldn't) then can they not walk five minutes more to the place after parking somewhere further away. The walk back would burn off some of the calories. I've lost count of the number of times I've passed cars parked on double yellows with morons inside the cars sitting munching their snacks.

I wouldn't miss the place if it left.....
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Do you know it employes 28 people, and we don't have a village it's dead because of bad planning, it's the only thing down there with some life some buzz. Yes the litter is a big problem and they should do their best to educate their customers and yes it's not in the best place, but every effort should be made to help them and businesses like them.
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Agreed it's not the best corner, but I love Scrumdiddly's :D That being said, a pedestrian crossing or a signal in that area wouldn't be a terrible idea. It would help people crossing to the other side of the street from the train station, and those going to Romayo's and Scrumdiddly's. Might also help to allow extra time for people to turn right back into the village from the beach. Busy corner in general when the sun comes out!
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Also just to say too, Scrumdiddly's or any business is not responsible for people's bad parking, children, or litter- that comes down to self-responsibility, education, and consideration for others.
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the 28 mcjobs SDs have created: it's not like alllllllllllllll that money is going to reinvested into the local economy or something. SD isn't hiring the gobshites running amok in the village lately are they? They're hiring the shiny local kids who would easily find another job somewhere else or simply do without. Nothing wrong with that. Just saying. Pavilions is probably delighted though.
Glass Half Full
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I have to say that I think Scrumdidleys is a great addition to our village. It's a home grown small business with a product that I and all our kids love and one that adds heart and character to our village. If you ask me, a few more ice cream shops and a lot fewer betting shops and the world would be a much happier place!
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At the end of the day any local business which has the village absolutely packed when there is even a hint of sun can only be a good thing - as well as providing local jobs . ok it would be better if they were on the main St but car loads of families coming to Donabate for ice cream will also most likely spend more money in other shops in the village too
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I heard anecdotally this morning that the Gardaí were handing out fines yesterday on the New Road to those who parked illegally.
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The only solution is for the Guards to hand out tickets to parking offenders. That's what eventually sorted the problem we had outside the shopping centre when it first opened.

If SD were in the shopping centre, no doubt we would be back to parking on Main Street. There's no easy solution here, but I do sympathise with residents around New Road as access is a nightmare.

Al the Pal
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There is absolutely no way Scrumdiddley's provides 28 full-time jobs - unless they have a night shift and 18 people employed full-time to park cars on the yellow lines.

I passed the green across from it this morning and it was covered with litter.

On a sunny day, it brings throngs of teenagers from outside towns into the village - and all that entails.

Nah, not a fan. The location is nonsensical.
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I can't agree more with the comments that this business is in the WRONG place. Last night I suggested to someone parking on the double yellow line that the guards were giving out tickets - his reply I won't repeat here and he was not a young man. People using this ice cream shop have no respect for anyone living near it or trying to get past them on the way home from the station. One evening this week cars had one wheel up on the pavement opposite the graveyard, stopping cars passing and those trying to get out of the station. I heard that other local businesses would not take this spot because of the lack of parking. While it is great that it is providing jobs, I must disagree very strongly with a previous entry which says this ice cream shop is bringing life to that part of the village. They obviously don't live near it or are affected by it . It is only May and we can look forward to a summer of traffic chaos, the constant worry about an accident and not being able to get out of houses/estates any where near the shop. The double yellow lines don't seem to deter anyone as they know the guards cannot be there constantly. I am fully supportive of any local business but this one is in the WRONG location - does anyone know if they have a permanent license to operate there or will it come up for renewal at any stage? Maybe then our local representatives might listen to concerned locals as I don't see any response from them so far.
Mr. Stupid
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Perhaps, it is on the way to the beech is part of its attraction to passersby. I mean Supervalue sell Ice cream for much cheaper?

But agree with others, where is a better location? As in you need footfall and parking? The car parks for the train station are massive and are empty at weekend. What about in there? You could have a cluster of a few shops beside the train station and a massive car park?
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Vlad the Impaler
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It's always a pain in the arse getting parked in Swords Main Street when I want to get a nice cake in Thunder's bakery.

I know! I'll just park anywhere in the Main Street and toss the cake box in the road when I'm finished. Well, it's Thunder's fault for baking tasty cakes and having the temerity to plant their business in a bad place for parking. Ok, I could park in Pavilions, but oh, the hassle.

Moral of the story? We know we'd be done by the guards in Swords in the blink of an eye. Why shouldn't we expect law enforcement in Donabate rather than blame business?
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