Little Darlings and arson

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The old ET site was mentioned before. I believe it's earmarked for a new library at some stage. However, not sure we need one as the one in the community centre seems to fit the bill.

It would be an ideal location for playground/football facilities and would certainly clean up that area.

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A skip was set alight behind Daybreak/Chemist on Portrane road on Sunday afternoon. Done in broad daylight. They were spotted by locals and reported to Gardaí. Obviously doesn't faze them doing it openly like this. I don't think a library is going to stop teenagers getting into trouble. An outdoor area as mentioned above would be great. Wouldn't want these lads using any of these facilities. Vandalising it would be more their scene. Zero tolerance and nip it in the bud now.
John Blowick
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mirror wrote:Well then why the hell didn't the school call the gardai John blowick, nobody asked the teachers to leave the school that day, they did it for the concern of their pupils.
As you can see from posts subsequent to yours my friend they did call the guards ..and rightly so ..the question I have for you pal is why didn't you ?

You said you "seen" the brawl.?
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Do you know what you need to do John Blowick, 'You need to get a life' behaving like this and carrying stuff on from previous posts, this is a forum and once again I'm not your pal and judging from your behavior on this forum you have very few of them because you are coming across as a bully
John Blowick
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mirror wrote:Do you know what you need to do John Blowick, 'You need to get a life' behaving like this and carrying stuff on from previous posts, this is a forum and once again I'm not your pal and judging from your behavior on this forum you have very few of them because you are coming across as a bully
Au contraire mon ami....just calling out folks who are spouting's called free speech.?

Maybe you would like to be free to say what you like and no one challenges you ..I don't mean to be having a constant go at you but if you put stuff on a forum you must expect people come back at you.

I always try to address the argument rather than the poster and I'm sorry if that upsets you...but maybe if your so sensitive you shouldn't post on a public forum.
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...but maybe if your so sensitive you shouldn't post on a public forum.

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This topic is about anti-social behavior from youths in or outside our community - I find the petty comments of some people on here really ironic! We are all entitled to our point but mocking and looking for fault in someone who's point you don't like is very childish - great example to the youth in our community!!!
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... mocking and looking for fault in someone who's point you don't like is very childish

John Blowick
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Crakin to have a pedantic grammar Nazi who checks all our posts !
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Hang on Blowick , I made a comment on another post and what ? Stick to this post please, you are obviously getting a little confused, but it's ok , it happens to the best of us :D :)
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It's really simple folks, we the community band together and confront the trouble makers, and if this gets there parents concerned, great we've done our job. it's not right that an older Lady that lives in the Village in a cottage is afraid to leave her house for fear of being bullied ( That is just not on ). Remember this is our community dont let it be over run, if you see something going on that's not right it it on here. if you see teens walking around with boxes of drink, report it, make Supervalu aware of it (cause that's where it's coming from). Anyone that thinks their kids aren't up to much let me tell you, i've been all over this peninsula every inch of it on my bike, i've found drug dens is forests(needles, aerosols, drink), secret drinking spots all over the place, hidden camps, and the most unusual had to of been finding a cleared out area complete with couch and hundreds of small blue bags scattered everywhere on closer inspection the bags were full of glue.

The following was posted by a lady to the Donabate Village Facebook page yesterday
To the Teenage boys who thought it was fun to try damage my car and slag the fact I wear a headscarf......
Outside Daybreak at 7.00pm was a group of approximately 15 teenage boys and one girl (that I could see). While a few of them where quietly standing and chatting a larger number were making it difficult to get in and out of the shop. Then 2/3 thought it was fun to push a newspaper trolley (about 6ft tall) at my car missing it by cm. When I wound down my window to remind them that damage would have been paid for by their parents I got back chat and the chant of " shut up Jack Sparrow". I am currently going through chemotherapy so the headscarf is necessary.
The reason I am posting this is in the hope that at least one of the parents of these teenagers take action to educate their child on basic manners and humanity. This is a wonderful community to be part of but the actions of these few teenagers leaves a bad taste.
To the teens I would say... You never know why a person wears what they wear or looks the way they do or what is going on in their lives. Your words and actions impact in ways you don't comprehend.
In the future it could be you .......
This is going on a lot around the village lately and it would not surprise me one bit if the perpetrators are the same group of kids.

Please everyone if you see any of this behaviour going on or any antisocial behaviour like this I would recommend recording what you can on your phone and handing it in to the secondary school or Gardai.

This needs to be nipped in the bud. On their own these kids would be afriad of their own shadow but in a pack they think they are showing off in fron of their friends. I would hope that some/most of their friends actually think they are being assh*les.

I'm guessing that these are mainly 13/14 year olds as I myself have seen groups that age acting up the last few weeks.

It needs to be nipped in the bud immediately
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My thoughts are with that lady with the head scarf and God's speed to a full recovery to her. Her comments certainly have struck a chord with me.

What would appear to be the same shower of scroats have been letting off fireworks, setting fire to things and generally acting the prick around The Links and The Fairways. Unbeknownst to them, they are all on CCTV and largely identifiable. :D
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Somebody must be responsible for these children. I hope the cctv can be passed on to has gone past " teenagers hanging out" to a gang of thugs and vandals
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There are always a certain group of teenages up to no good but it is very unfair to tarnish ALL teenaged with the same brush. I am a mam with a 14 year old girl and I have to say that her and the group she is with are fabulous. They all look out for one another boys and girls. They may hang around the village and go to chipper and sice cream shop sometimes. But why shouldn't they. It's their village . They are very respectfull towards people. I have hired a bus for them twice to go to tayto park on their own and the driver was singing their praises.. these group of teenages are very hurt because of all the negative comments on this page. As i have said at the start there are some that have behaviour issueS BUT NOT ALL. . I am prout of my daughter and her friends and feel sorry for them because of all the negative feed back on this page .
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At this time of year teenagers are always going to be a problem.
Gangs of teenagers walking round the village with tyres, pallets you name it. Parents need to wake up to this, it is not just one gang, its a lot more. Do parents not notice their kids missing for the whole day? Where do they think they are - studying??

At the moment there are about 30 teenagers at the back of Beverton / Beresfored near the old golf course building a bonfire. A parent was even seen dropping of items to light the bonfire.

Miriam the only way you would be offended at this thread is if you were looking to be offended as many people online are these days. It's very clear that this thread is referring to the group of kids that were setting fire to things that resulted in the fire brigade being called a few times.

Quite clearly the vast majority of kids are decent good kids. This thread specifically refers to the handful and I'm sure it's just a handful that aren't. There's nothing for you or your daughter to be upset about because if she isn't starting random fires then she isn't being referred to here.

I'm all for kids having a good time. I have a teenager myself who will be attending a supervised bonfire tonight.
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Hi Miriam. The comments in this thread are aimed squarely at a very small minority of kids who are making the lives of decent folk a misery, and also their parents who quite frankly don't give a toss about what their kids are up to. I'm pretty sure that from your comments that neither you nor your daughter fall into either category and as such you should not construe anyone's comments here applying to either of you. You are both to be commended and it's a shame there are aren't a few more like you!

It was generally a quiet Halloween here until about ten minutes ago when a small group passing through the estate decided to light fireworks and point these at people's homes. The effort two of them went to to light and then throw this lighted firework was impressive. They were lucky that they weren't badly injured for their troubles, and equally so. I just hope nobodies property was damaged either. Again a shameful display from a small minority.
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