Little Darlings and arson

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane
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For all parents out there who might think their unsupervised kids wandering Donabate in the evening are helping old people cross the road then cop onto yourselves. Yesterday evening a group of 10-15 kids set fire to a container in the builders yard on Beaverstown road. I called fire brigade and then called guards once I heard it was deliberate. Or maybe I shouldn't have as it's only high spirited kids messing!!

The man in the yard is sick of people stealing material. Last week someone told him they were there and direction they went and when he caught up with them they basically asked him what was he going to do about it. This fire has brought things to a different level.

At 7pm on evening of junior cert cert results my wife had to tell some lad drinking beer to stop pissing against a neighbour's wall on the street. He apologised but his mates thought it was hilarious. What makes them think this is acceptable behaviour 10 yds from where kids were playing on the green.

Don't be kidding yourselves that people are coming from elsewhere for all the anti social stuff here. I really hope parents of the brats get landed with the thousands of damage done last night.
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Totally agree. Donabate seems to be going down the toilet very quickly. I cannot believe the number of 14/15 year olds out on the streets after dark not to mention the number of kids walking around with cases of alcohol the evening of the junior cert results
For the last 3 weeks there have been gangs of boys stealing palates etc from this yard. I recognise a couple of them and am tempted to contact the guards.
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Here here...had to call the Gardai after last weeks fire in the field in Carrs Mill. Darling little boys throwing stones at small kids. Don't mind kids being high spirited but stealing and causing bodily harm is a different level. A bit of respect wouldn't go astray.

I posted a thread about this last week. I firmly believe some parents don't have a clue what their 13 year old are up to. These kids are 13 and 14. They either don't have a clue or don't want to know.

Many people know who these kids are. They are from several estates so everyone knows them.

I hope that when they are caught and they will be caught because the names are out there that parents get landed with the bills for damage and the fire brigade costs. Maybe they'll then wake up to what their precious darlings are doing.

I can be pretty sure that one or two people reading this have kids involved in this. So don't assume it's the obviously bold kids that are doing all of this. It's not.
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Huge fight broke out Friday yesterday outside secondary school. Bunch of thugs from outside D'Bate came in for a fight which was all scheduled on Facebook apparently. Major commotion and some of our own kids involved.
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I seen that fighting outside the Community College yesterday, they were punching each other around .The teachers came from the school to try stop it.
John Blowick
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Yeah Donner is really going down the toobs with a lot of the local testosterone filled youths allowed roam wild.
Only a matter of time before there is a really serious incident...I fear.

Then there will be the usual weeping and wringing of hands and people wondering hoe could this happen.?

Just know where your kids are ...and what they are doing ...the go very quickly from little brats to big thugs.!

Hmmm ?
John Blowick
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mirror wrote:I seen that fighting outside the Community College yesterday, they were punching each other around .The teachers came from the school to try stop it.
Were you not the guy who said "Don't call the guards for teens spitting at that train station because there was people being shot on the streets" ?
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Some of these little darlings were setting fire to a skip in the Fairways two weeks ago. I reported it to the guards but heard nothing. Why do parents let their children hang out outside supervalue i do not know. I have reported three separate incidents lately. Everything should be reported if the guards are to take it seriously otherwise setting fire to things will lead to worst. One day I counted 45 teenagers outside supervalue. Surely there should be some dispersal order or something in place. In the mean time parents, please be responsible parents. There are so many clubs around i am baffled as to why these children arent taking up these opportunities.
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There are kids from my youngest son's class hanging around Supervalu already, they're only 11 years old. Most of them from "respectable" homes. Parents don't seem to give a toss where their kids are as long as they're out of their way. Someone I know mentioned it to one of the mothers and her reply was "what can I do? You can't keep them in". Well, yes you can actually. My kids were never and will never be allowed hang around in gangs anywhere.
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Yes John , I am and your point is ?
John Blowick
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mirror wrote:Yes John , I am and your point is ?
You are a little slow Dude ! You said peeps should not call the Guards for petty misdemeanour's while people are being shot on the streets.
That was rubbish ...sorry Pal ..have to call it like it is you see what can happen if people do not call the Guards ..petty stuff escalates ..and soon gets more serious .

We are on the same page I think ..well in the same book anyways ...!
John Blowick
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Spider wrote:There are kids from my youngest son's class hanging around Supervalu already, they're only 11 years old. Most of them from "respectable" homes. Parents don't seem to give a toss where their kids are as long as they're out of their way. Someone I know mentioned it to one of the mothers and her reply was "what can I do? You can't keep them in". Well, yes you can actually. My kids were never and will never be allowed hang around in gangs anywhere.
Good man Spider are of course dead right....unfortunately the community will pay the price later .
Watch it happen....
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I haven't a clue what you are talking about John, I simply said I seen some of the pupils and a group of other lads punching the head off each other outside the Community College on Friday, it was an absolute disgrace, however, I do believe the school will deal with these lads tomorrow morning. I like other parents know who these lads are and I doubt very much that anything will be said to them from their parents, they might even get a clap on the back.
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Yikes, this is a really worrying thread to read when you're in the final stages of buying a house and moving to Donabate...

Should we be doing a last minute dash for the hills? I've seen the film Eden Lake, I don't think I want to catch the live show!
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Mike I wouldn't let this stop you. You'll find a certain element of this no matter where you buy. If we weren't talking about it here it would suggest we don't care...

I'm hoping this incident is a watershed where some parents may now tell their kids not to hang around with troublemakers and at least know where they kids are.

If we report all incidents to the guards and if they call to parents they'll eventually get the message,especially if it hurts their pockets.
Mr. Stupid
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mirror wrote:I simply said I seen some of the pupils...
"I saw" not "I seen". If we are trying to talk about standards here, let's at least aim for Junior Cert English. Thanks.
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Mikekally wrote:Yikes, this is a really worrying thread to read when you're in the final stages of buying a house and moving to Donabate...

Should we be doing a last minute dash for the hills? I've seen the film Eden Lake, I don't think I want to catch the live show!
Same here! Don't think I'm as strong willed as Michelle Pfeiffer in Dangerous Minds.
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Well we are not talking about Junior Cert Standards Mr Stupid so grow up and stick to the Topic
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Vlad the Impaler
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A school is what you make it. I truly believe the young generation coming through in Donabate are every bit as good as Malahide and wherever else you deem classy.

They'll be entering the local senior school in the next few years. I see them in the local clubs.

Stick with it folks. Hold the schools accountable, but there are some great teachers.

Take ownership from the small minority of troublemakers.
John Blowick
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mirror wrote:I haven't a clue what you are talking about John, I simply said I seen some of the pupils and a group of other lads punching the head off each other outside the Community College on Friday, it was an absolute disgrace, however, I do believe the school will deal with these lads tomorrow morning. I like other parents know who these lads are and I doubt very much that anything will be said to them from their parents, they might even get a clap on the back.
Teachers are paid to teach...not risk serious assault from a group of thugs fighting outside the school !
You were the dude sneering at posters who suggested that the Guards should be called to report teens spitting at the train station.
Somebody could be seriously injured in these fights...then there is the usual whining and crying ..I never meant it crap.!
Call the guards if you see anti social behaviour dude and don't expect the school to be nursemaiding these blarts.!
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True, it speaks volumes about the community spirit that people on this forum are so vocal and passionate about calling out issues they see.

And you're right, silence would suggest no one cares! I'm sure we don't hear about half the stuff that goes on where we live now because people just accept it and don't actively do anything to prevent it.

Hopefully this is just a passing phase the little darlings grow out of - we're looking forward to moving out to the 'Bate
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Well then why the hell didn't the school call the gardai John blowick, nobody asked the teachers to leave the school that day, they did it for the concern of their pupils.
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I am horrified to hear of the mob mentality outside the secondary school. Imagine there was a time on this forum not too long ago when people actually complained that the Secondary School was' too strict'. Maybe I was dreaming and it never happened.
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Yes there was a brawl outside the secondary school on Friday, not to minimise it in any way, but we are living in the real world where this type of thing happens. I know it happened at schools in my area almost thirty years ago, so it's nothing new.
It's how it is dealt with that is the issue, teachers and parents were very quick to get control of the situation and I saw a Garda car at the school a while later so they were obviously contacted. In my opinion, it was handled well...a pat on the back for DCC!
One thing I am wondering, has there been an increase in 'anti-social' behaviour since the Astro was locked up?
I think there has which got me thinking about that waste ground, where DPETNS used to be. It is a space that could be used for a park of some kind with basketball hoops/goals etc., these types of teen playgrounds exist all over many European countries but of course in Ireland we would rather rant and moan, call the Gardaí and berate children than look at ways to accommodate them. I know there has been a point made about the many great clubs and organisations in the area but teens, as a natural part of their growth and development, sometimes just need to hang out together. The Astro provided that space so maybe if another space was provided it could help?
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