Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

General discussion on all issues relating to Donabate and Portrane

Last edited by 12oclockcollins on 31 May 2016, 14:29, edited 1 time in total.

when i wrote that i was on my phone and not going to trawl to search for links etc.
Google will help you out.

not sure why you are getting so worked up about it. My point is that it is between the owner and FCC. And that's exactlty the eay it is. I don't live near the site so the noise isnt affecting me. But the issue lies with the owner. Unless you are the owner or have some link to the place then really you should leave it up to him.

My point about accidents is that if the riding is being carried out 'illegally' then if there is an accident, the insurance company may not have to pay out. So my point for the owner is that it's best to ensure everything is above board.

Last edited by 12oclockcollins on 31 May 2016, 14:28, edited 1 time in total.
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The issue is noise always has been, if the bikes were electric there wouldn't be a problem, i might even take up the sport my self. but the simple truth is there noisy 90 decibels approx, travelling up to 1.5k raduis from the site, that means most of donabate 9000 residents can hear this is some form and thats just one bike, now multiply this by 10 bikes, 20 bike, 100 bikes maybe in the future it becomes unbearable, for example a Boeing 737 aircraft landing is 90 decibels, so 12oclockcollins we will look for any loophole to stop this so yes it is about noise but our backs are against the wall and we will fight with everything we have. you have to see this for a human perspective you cant inflict this psychological torture on people, young, old, sick or the guy that just wants to have a beer in his back-garden with his family and the sound of the birds. When i moved to Donabate 12 years ago there was no moto track otherwise i wouldn't be here, we (the people of Donabte) cherish this place its unique, its green, its vibrant, its peaceful, so please respect us.

The landower also needs to be mindful that going forward he needs us on board if he wants to do anything with the lands, we could make it very difficult for him on any future developments.

The one day a month suggestion just wont work, yeah sure maybe the first few months it will be enforced, but human nature being what it is eventually this will slip and we'll be back to were we are at present.

Between myself and my family were beholding to the banks for the guts of 1 Million euros for our homes, so there ant no way i will let this go head.

Also i love nature and the site is beside a nature reserve, so if notting else ill fight for that.

12oclockcollins wrote: I get that your entitled to your opinion and all that but is this really the place for you to do it or are you just here to stir things up for your own gratification? Tracks in Dublin did not start by leaving things to the owner and council to sort. It happened by other people also putting in effort and work to get them were they are today so again you clearly have no idea how this works
this is exactly the place for me to do it. it's a discussion board and i am here to discuss. i have relatives living in Beverton who are affected by the noise. And yes it is noise. Do you live next to a scrambler track? Do you know what it is like when you are trying to enjoy your garden on a sunny day, or trying to sleep because you worked a 12 hour shift until 7am?

There are noise regulations in existence for a reason.

No matter what you say on here, no matter how many conversations you have about this with local residents you are inviting up for a 'chat', it is not up to you. It's not up to me, you, or anyone living beside the place. It's up to the council. That's what I am saying.

ps: the planning permission thing I was referring to earlier was in relation to a track in Westmeath which was the first in Irelans granted planning permission. Seems like that wwas in 2012. So maybe there have been more, but I cant find that information. What it tells me though is that planning permission is required. So why not just apply for it? After all, we aren't going to solve the planning issue here

Last edited by 12oclockcollins on 31 May 2016, 14:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Can you not get it into your head your actions are having a prefound effect on our lives. No matter how you paint it that's the fact of the matter. I don't care about a track somewhere else and how it works in some other corner of Ireland, I only care about the people I live with (my community). This back and forth is a total waste of time unless you have something constructive to add

Last edited by 12oclockcollins on 31 May 2016, 14:28, edited 1 time in total.
John Blowick
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12oclockcollins wrote:
Baggiesmalls wrote:Truly disgraceful where are their parents?

Plot twist. I am a parent :D
Look 12 or whoever you are..pack it in ,,you are a beaten docket pal ..I am so pleased that the residents of Donabate have stood up to your bullying and will not be driven out of their gardens by the actions of a few selfish noisy bullys who care nothing for the people of Donabate .

As I said before take yourself and your noisy bike elsewhere are CLEARLY not wanted here ?
Ans as a previous poster said the land owner needs to be a bit more careful you won't bully the people of Donabate with big bucks and long pockets !!
John Blowick
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Defcom wrote:Can you not get it into your head your actions are having a prefound effect on our lives. No matter how you paint it that's the fact of the matter. I don't care about a track somewhere else and how it works in some other corner of Ireland, I only care about the people I live with (my community). This back and forth is a total waste of time unless you have something constructive to add
Well done def..saying it like it is ..good on yah mate !
Turvey Donabate
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A number of residents have got together to resolve this issue. If you have been impacted by the noise or just have any environmental concerns, please contact It won't take up much time.

Some key points:
* Kevin B is not the owner of the land. He is the current tenant.
* We have been told by the owner that absolutely no scrambler bike activity (or anything that causes a nuisance to local residents) is allowed on the land and anyone doing so is trespassing.

Note: At some stage the landowners will be seeking to submit a planning submission for these lands. It is in everyone's interest to ensure that whatever goes there is a good fit for the community.

John Blowick
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Excellent result for the residents of Donabate - well done to this discussion site for providing a platform for all concerned to air their views.

The inactivity and lack of response from local politicians is eye opening to say the least..they should be reminded of that.

Don't be fooled by any promises by the land owner or anybody's up to the land owner to ensure that his tenant operates within agreed guidelines.

Insist that local politicians and Community Associations do not allow citizens to be subjected to appalling noise pollution.
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Please note that we had to delete a post from this thread earlier.

There is no issue discussing the scrambler bike problem as it's happening and many of us have seen/heard them.

However, any other aspects of the business on the old Turvey Golf Course should not be discussed whether they be fact or hearsay. In the past, we have been reluctant to allow negative unfounded posts about other businesses in the area and the same applies here.


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Ken freedom of speech ? .
Ann O
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Defcom wrote:Ken freedom of speech ? .

This forum is privately funded and operated. It was set up to replace an outdated and unmoderated forum that has long since disappeared.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but if certain topics or comments could have a legal consequence to the owners of this site, then I think you'll understand where Ken is coming from in not allowing that post to stay.
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