Scrambler bikes on old Turvey Golf Club

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That's amazing news motocross. Are you the land owner, were did you get this information.
I love bikes
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I don't see the harm in having it regulated properly once or twice a month for just a couple of hours instead of having people come and go as they please. At the end of the day the land is private and it would be up to the land owner because the land is not public nor council.

I love bikes wrote:I don't see the harm in having it regulated properly once or twice a month for just a couple of hours instead of having people come and go as they please. At the end of the day the land is private and it would be up to the land owner because the land is not public nor council.
Fair enough but as far as i know Planning Permission is required for a Motocross track. Let the council/an bord pleanala decide
John Blowick
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The noise from these bikes is truly horrendous - the issue of whether it is private land or not is immaterial.
No way should the taxpaying and charge paying householders of Donabate be subjected to this harrassmment.

What are our elected representatives doing about it --- just not good enough.
John Blowick
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I love bikes wrote:I don't see the harm in having it regulated properly once or twice a month for just a couple of hours instead of having people come and go as they please. At the end of the day the land is private and it would be up to the land owner because the land is not public nor council.
You are letting yourself down there pal by spouting that load of rubbish.

By your logic I can blare loud music all day from my garden - it's private land is it not ?

You need to get a grip my friend ...the taxpaying citizens of Donabate do not deserve this harrassment !

Last edited by 12oclockcollins on 31 May 2016, 14:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Fair play Motocross, I think most people will much appreciate that! Good luck with the other stuff you're doing up in Turveyland. I think it definately makes a great football golf course and driving range for the locals to use...maybe with a little investment! Good luck.
I love bikes
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Harresment? I'm here to express an opinion like everyone else, some for the motion and obviously some against. Your point about the music is a perfect example you just put it in the wrong context. It's ok to play music loud once in awhile once it's not being abused and playing all hours through out the night!

Your putting it out to be that I want the bikes on 24/7. where as I am saying I want it to happen but under strict regulations that can be agred upon. Unfortunately people are taking things out of context and exaggerating the whole point. If you had a son/daughter who had an interest in this sport or where Intrested in it yourself maybe then you would understand.

And also when these kind of things are set up its to stop people driving the bikes in public areas, on roads and in some cases even residential areas. This would be one of the main reasons why I think it's a good idea.
John Blowick
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12oclockcollins wrote:There is a motocross track running in Mulhuddart right beside a residential area and it has been a huge success, Are "taxpaying" citizens of Donabate different to those of Mulhuddart? Also are you assuming that those with the bikes are not also paying taxes? In my opinion thats just another irrelevant excuse pulled out of thin air as to why the bikes shouldn't be running here, Yes the bikes are loud but so are many other sports in Ireland. Does that mean we should clap down on those too? I agree that it shouldn't be allowed to run day in day out as even I being a bike lover would get sick of hearing that, The fair thing to do would be to regulate it to maybe one day a month and for the bikes to run on a time schedule instead of this small minded Donald Trump mentality of we don't like it so get rid of it. The country needs more places like this to regulate the hobby to keep people safe and off the streets and resident areas, Could a mediation not be an option here? Plenty of room for all of us in my opinion
A huge success in Mulhuddart - for who ? Do the people living near it regard it as a success. ??
The noise from these bikes in Donabate is horrendous..some are running without mufflers I have heard them !
Surely people are entitled to sit in their balcony and back garden without being subject to this.?

Why do you say I assume the those with bikes are not paying taxes - where did I say that ?

"The bikes are loud(at least you admit that) and so are many many sports in Ireland" Ok maybe ...motor racing in Mondello is loud but it is away from residential areas..that is the point.

I have no problem with motocross in a designated area away from residential housing - It is the constant horrendous week end noise being inflicted on nearby residents that I object to.
John Blowick
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I love bikes wrote:Harresment? I'm here to express an opinion like everyone else, some for the motion and obviously some against. Your point about the music is a perfect example you just put it in the wrong context. It's ok to play music loud once in awhile once it's not being abused and playing all hours through out the night!

Once in a while ? Is every week end OK then ?

Your putting it out to be that I want the bikes on 24/7. where as I am saying I want it to happen but under strict regulations that can be agred upon. Unfortunately people are taking things out of context and exaggerating the whole point. If you had a son/daughter who had an interest in this sport or where Intrested in it yourself maybe then you would understand.

Where am I putting it out that you want the bikes on 24/7

And also when these kind of things are set up its to stop people driving the bikes in public areas, on roads and in some cases even residential areas. This would be one of the main reasons why I think it's a good idea.
My friend I have no problem with these things being set up - Just not near a residential area is all I am saying - now is there anything about that you don't understand. ?

Last edited by 12oclockcollins on 31 May 2016, 14:31, edited 1 time in total.

12oclockcollins wrote:
I have put forward the idea of one day a month for a few hours with breaks during the day as a resolution to the matter? Did you not read that part? That would resolve the "constant" noise issue you have, I have agreed with you on that point, It should be regulated to be fair for everyone, Regulation would also mean things like overly loud bikes with no mufflers would not be allowed to ride either. Can you honestly say you could not put up with a bit of noise once a month?
its not up to any of us to propose anything.
i believe Planning permission is required so best left to the planners if that's the route the owner wishes to take

Last edited by 12oclockcollins on 31 May 2016, 14:32, edited 1 time in total.
John Blowick
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12oclockcollins wrote:Yes Mulhuddart Motocross Track has been a success all round, It would not have progressed as far as it has if it wasn't. Also Dublin City Motocross, You should do some research on this before you go trying to shut down places that are providing much needed facilities

You are the one who brought paying taxes into the matter, not me, Im just trying to understand why you did that as we all pay taxes here and it is completely irrelevant to this topic,

"I have no problem with motocross in a designated area away from residential housing - It is the constant horrendous week end noise being inflicted on nearby residents that I object to" is what you said???

I have put forward the idea of one day a month for a few hours with breaks during the day as a resolution to the matter? Did you not read that part? That would resolve the "constant" noise issue you have, I have agreed with you on that point, It should be regulated to be fair for everyone, Regulation would also mean things like overly loud bikes with no mufflers would not be allowed to ride either. Can you honestly say you could not put up with a bit of noise once a month?
Look Dude you are all over the place here ...the residents of Donabate are tax paying citizens paying household charges etc. ..they are entitled to sit in their back gardens or balcony's in the Summer without having to listen to the horrendous noise of scrambler bikes.

Do you not agree with that ?
John Blowick
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12oclockcollins wrote:Planning permission required for what exactly? A motocross track? If that's what you mean that is not the case here. This is not a motocross track. Just because you ride bikes on a bit of land does not automatically make it a motocross track?
I'm sure if this was a gaa pitch with noise from spectators etc all day long everybody's point of view would be different. This is defintly a case of Donald Trump like small minded mentality here were people are not open to seeing sense and coming to a fair solution for everyone. Just angry about something and will just shout louder and louder until they get their own way
Haha what a load of rubbish ! I happen to live across from a GAA pitch and there is no noise audible ..even on match days .
To equate a GAA pitch with a scrambler bike venue is really showing you up as a ..well I will be generous a mentally challenged person .

Coming up with that one pal is really showing you up as what you are !

Last edited by 12oclockcollins on 31 May 2016, 14:32, edited 1 time in total.

Why would you be trying to sort out am agreement? Are you the owner? If not what authority has the owner given you to sort out an agreement?

The issue is with the owner and FCC. Permission is required for what you are looking to do.

If permission is granted then fine. If not then that's the end of it

Last edited by 12oclockcollins on 31 May 2016, 14:33, edited 1 time in total.
John Blowick
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12oclockcollins wrote:Showing me up as what I am? And what is that exactly? Your the one who is having to resort to childish name calling here. Im not going down that route with you.
I am trying to sort out some kind of agreement. Your missing my point and once again twisting what I've said for your own benefit as you have done in all your posts it seems. My point was that small minded people such as yourself have no room for debate when it comes to other sports like this. Your telling me you can't deal with a bit of noise one day a month for a few hours that will most likely stop after the summer has ended? Sure why didn't you come over and have a chat with us when we were there to voice your opinion and maybe come to an agreement. Instead of running home to your computer???
No name calling here my friend ...but equating a scrambler bike track with a GAA pitch...hey now come on surely can do better than that !
I have said I have no problem with motocross ..provided it is away from a residential area ...I have said this several times ...but you choose to ignore it and call me small minded ?
I have no intention of chatting with you or any of your noisy friends and the previous poster has nailed the idea of "sorting out an agreement".
Just who do you think you are think we should be grateful that you only make one week end in four a misery ?
Get real my friend and take you noisy smelly bikes somewhere else ..they are not welcome in Donabate !
I love bikes
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John not sure weather your being serious or just trying to wind us up.

The whole reason why we commented on this is because if we were using the land(which is privet and have permission from the owner to use) that maybe some sort of agreement could be made to regulate the times but Ye sure your just going to say who am I too make an agreement. Tell you what John your dead right It's not up to me. An you are completely over dramatic on your example of the bikes. You yourself just make it obvious that you hate them and want nothing to do with them which is fine by me.

Having said all just thought I'd outline a few things for you.
1)that we have permission
2)The land is private owned
3)Where never out there at unsociable hours(well the perticular group I travel with).
4)There is no planning permission for a motorcross track it is just a field.

I expect you will having something in my eyes ignorant to say back so I await your reply!
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Just a reminder of one of the points from the forum charter :-

- Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning or ban depending on the severity of the infringement. Attack the post, not the poster.

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John Blowick
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I love bikes wrote:John not sure weather your being serious or just trying to wind us up.

The whole reason why we commented on this is because if we were using the land(which is privet and have permission from the owner to use) that maybe some sort of agreement could be made to regulate the times but Ye sure your just going to say who am I too make an agreement. Tell you what John your dead right It's not up to me. An you are completely over dramatic on your example of the bikes. You yourself just make it obvious that you hate them and want nothing to do with them which is fine by me.

Having said all just thought I'd outline a few things for you.
1)that we have permission
2)The land is private owned
3)Where never out there at unsociable hours(well the perticular group I travel with).
4)There is no planning permission for a motorcross track it is just a field.

I expect you will having something in my eyes ignorant to say back so I await your reply!
You have permission and the land is privately owned ? So my neighbour has a huge back garden and he gives permission for scrambler bikes to use it ?That makes it Ok ? I have to listen to the noise ??
Is that what your saying ?

Never out at unsociable hours ...gee thanks guys that's so good of you ....just crank out a horrendous level of noise at sociable hours ..that's Ok is it ?

There is no planning for a motocross track ? No and there never will be is too near a residential area!

I have said before I have no problem with bikes - away from residential areas ...I have tried to be polite to you pal and attack the points you try to make rather than any personal attack..could i ask you to do the same ?

"To equate a GAA pitch with a scrambler bike venue is really showing you up as a ..well I will be generous a mentally challenged person"

So that's not name calling to you then? Ok once again you've shown your ignorance to any other person on this post who has views that don't correspond to your own.

You need to do your research and see that yes there are motocross tracks thriving in Dublin on the doorsteps of residential areas. So that point you just made is simply your own opinion not a fact.

Maybe this will become regulated and continue and maybe it won't. Only time will tell. If it does feel free to come over for a chat though. Please don't just run home to your computer. I'll even give you a go on my bike. Who's knows you may even take up the sport yourself.

Don't think you are understanding of the regulations. As far as I know the only motocross track in Ireland that has received planning permission and is thus legal is in the Midlands somewhere.

So what you're referring to ie. Scramblers on someone's land is being carried out 'illegally'. There are I'm sure at this stage enough complaints gone into FCC about this that the owner will probably have a decision to make in relation to planning.

As an aside if one of you has an accident on his land he may well be in for a massive lawsuit.
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Motorcross wrote:To whom it may concern: moving forward there will be no motorbikes or shooting or trespassing allowed on the old Turvey Golf Club. Anybody has a problem with this please get in touch with Kevin Beirth on 0872811202.
Has anyone tried speaking with this guy? It looks on the surface as though he's the land owner or somebody associated with the old golf club.

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